Chapter 18

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Hello all! Unfortunately after this chapter, this story will come to an end. But don't worry! This won't be the last we see of this crew! There will be a sequel but not for some time. This will also be an original chapter, meaning it won't follow the movie. This chapter will also be a short one, mainly because it doesn't follow the script. Anyway, onto the story!

Fun fact: This story is the second one where I use the original script to help write the story. Most of my stories are written on the spot.

Emma: Really?


Emma: Cool, thanks for letting me know! I'll be sure to tune in and watch!

She hung up her phone and started to look for Wolfgang, Miho, and Maho. Once she found them, she told them about the conversation she just had. They were shocked and surprised. They quickly called everyone to assemble, where they spread the news. It seemed to demoralize the others, but Wolfgang told them not to worry. He had something that could even the playing field.

That was a week ago, and everyone was getting anxious about this new factor that will even their playing field. Everyone was outside waiting for Wolfgang to return. It was almost sundown, and he still hadn't returned. This worried Miho and Maho, but they figured that he got held up.

Maho went to talk with team Edelweiss to see if they knew anything. They didn't. Fortunately, they didn't have to wait much longer, because coming up to them was a huge tank. One that had Yukari and the history club going nuts over.

Yukari: No way! A Tortoise heavy assault tank! I've never seen one in person before!

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Yukari: No way! A Tortoise heavy assault tank! I've never seen one in person before!

Erwin: A tank made by the British to punch through heavily fortified locations! Like the Siegfried Line!

While those five were spouting off facts, everyone else got closer to it and watched as Wolfgang came out of the tank. Once he was down on the ground, he found himself face to face with a very irate Miho and Maho, who were looking at him with crossed arms and tapping feet.

Maho: Wolfgang Amadeus Kruger, do you have anything to say for yourself?

Miho: Like why you didn't tell us you would be late?

Maho: Or why you made us wait here for a few hours?

They wouldn't let the poor man get a word in. The others knew he was in big trouble and didn't want to say anything for fear of having the two turn their anger on them.

Wolfgang: W-Well, ya see my mother wanted to talk about something and I stayed to listen to her.

That seemed to calm the two girls down, but they still flared at him, although it was ruined by the small pouts they had.

Wolfgang: A-Anyway, everyone! Let me introduce you all to team Edelweiss' new tank! This is what we'll be using in this match to even things in our favor.

Girls und Panzer: Edelweiss Where stories live. Discover now