Chapter 7

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Fun fact: Wolfgang loves anything Sci-Fi.

After Miho and the rest of Anglerfish went to visit Mako's grandma in the hospital, they made their way back to the ship just as the sun started to set.

When Miho arrived home, she saw that the only one there was their dog, Mia.

Said dog went up to her just as she sat down on her bed.

As she was petting Mia, the door opened and Wolfgang entered.

"Hey. Where have you been?" She asked.

"At the movies with Rabbit team." He answered.

She nodded at that.

"How was Mako's grandma?" He asked.

"She's fine now but Mako was really worried. She fell asleep on the way back." She told him.

The 2 then got ready for bed.

"Good night."

"Good night."

The next day on their way to school.

"Hey, you guys." They heard a voice behind them.

They turned to see Saori carrying Mako on her back.

"Saori?" Miho asked.

"She didn't want to get up, didn't she?" Wolfgang asked with a small smile.

"Yeah." Saori said weakly.

Wolfgang walked over to her.

"Here. Let me take her."

"Ok. Thank you!" She said gratefully.

With Mako on his back they group of friends made it to the gate where they were met by Sono Midoriko, or as she is more commonly called by Mako, Sodoko.

With Mako on his back they group of friends made it to the gate where they were met by Sono Midoriko, or as she is more commonly called by Mako, Sodoko

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"Must be great sleeping on your way to school. And on the back of your senpai no less!" She said.

Mako woke up and started to walk over to her, saying she was awake.

"I'm awake Sodoko."

"Don't call me that!"

This went on for a few seconds before they went to class.

Time skip

It was lunchtime. Wolfgang was in the lunchroom with the rest of team Edelweiss.

"They did good in their first official match." Andrea said.

"Of course they did! They had us with them! How could they not?" Ella said smugly.

"Sis." Klaus deadpanned.

"Ara ara, how cute." Emma said while bringing a gloved hand to his her smile.

Wolfgang only smiled at them. As he went to take a bite of his food, Hana and Saori came up to their table.

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