Chapter 13

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Fun fact: Wolfgang loves overcoats.

When Wolfgang fell next to Emma, she didn't think nothing of it until she felt something wet on her leg.

When she looked at her leg, she started screaming.

The left side of his face was covered in blood and he had a piece of shrapnel sticking out of his left eye. He was unconscious.

Her screams attracted the attention of the others in the tank and when Andrea went over, she saw Wolfgang and also started screaming.

"Stop the tank!" Andrea shouted.

This startled Klaus but he complied. He and Ella looked to Wolfgang and started to panic too.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!" Klaus shouted.

"F-Fuck! Where's the Med-Kit?!" Ella shouted.

Andrea had taken her jacket off to try and stop the bleeding, while Emma tried to grab Wolfgang's flare gun from its holster.

It was difficult for her to grab it, because the way he fell caused him to lay on it. He was a heavy boy and she didn't want to move him in case it hurt him more. She eventually managed to grab it, subconsciously noting that they weren't being shot at, and went to the open hatch and pointed the flare gun up the opening. She fired it and loaded another flare in and fired that one too. She did it two more times before stopping and dropping the gun on the floor and rushed to Wolfgang.

He suddenly woke up screaming.

Over with Kuromorimine, they stopped firing and listened to their Commander and Sub-Commander talk before they watched Erika's shell fly towards the Edelweiss.

Their looks suddenly turned horrified when they noticed Wolfgang suddenly come out of his tank right as Erika's shell hit it.

Everyone was silent and in shock before they notice four red flares being fired rapidly from the Edelweiss. This knocked some sense back into the Kuromorimine tank commanders and they all pulled out their flare guns and also fired flares.

The only ones who didn't fire , where Erika, Maho, and, Koume.

Erika, because she was still horrified, and Maho and Koume because they were hyperventilating and couldn't do anything.

"Wolfgang." Maho whimpered.


Akagi and the rest of Wolfgang's family introduced themselves to some of his friends parents.

"Miho is going to win this one! I know it!" Sakura shouted.

"I agree. She's good." Hans said.

"Of course they're going to win! They're the best!" Akagi bragged.

"I doubt it. Maho is an excellent commander, she'll win this one." Shiho shook her head.

Shiho and Akagi soon butted heads and started arguing about who was going to win and who was better. Everyone else just sweat dropped and edged away from them.

An explosion turned everyone's attention to the screen and saw that Ooarai's tanks had been ambushed by Kuromorimine. They saw one of Ooarai's tanks get taken out and a few of Kuromorimine tanks being taken out.

They cheered as Ooarai returned fire and started to move forward. They watched as they lead Kuromorimine into a trap and went up hill using smoke to cover themselves to pull up the Porsche Tiger. Both sides the started to exchange fire and Ooarai managed to knock out even more tanks, much to Shiho's anger. Soon Ooarai's Hetzer started to cause havoc between the Kuromorimine tanks, which gave them the opportunity to escape.

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