"Sounds like a plan to me, and we can also go and check the boat Andy got for us. Hopefully it's not something extravagant."

"She did say it was small."

"True, but she is a Black by blood and we are now a family of sorts. So I wouldn't put it past her." Harry points out with a shudder but smiles. Hermione returning it.

"Breakfast is ready Master." Kreacher announces and the food floats to the table.


Harry, Hermione and Teddy walk towards a phone shop after Andromeda drops them off and assured her they will make their way home before it was later in the day.

Teddy was holding on to Hermione's hand, wanting to be with her for the time being. Harry didn't mind, he wouldn't be surprised if he starts to call her mom. He blushes at the thought and shakes his head as he stands beside her as she does all the talking towards the sales person.

Rather than going for the newest model, Hermione went for a slightly older one since she theorizes those will last longer around magic.

After getting three, choosing their numbers and paying, they leave the store and walk around, looking into the stores. "How about we buy some clothes for us and Teddy, Mione?"

"Sure, we have more than enough time for the moment." Hermione says and they walk into one of the stores with clothing.


After a couple of hours shopping, the trio was hungry and decided to get something to eat. It was an experience for them, but they found a deli and ordered Continental Rolls.

Teddy didn't want to eat them but after seeing both Harry and Hermione try them, he did so too and found he enjoyed it. Thankfully they ordered a small one for him.

"This is delicious. We are going to have to ask Kreacher and Winky to make these for us now and then." Harry says as they make their way to a secluded area and shrink their shopping bags before putting them into his pocket.

"I agree, along with more Australian cuisine." Hermione adds before they make their way out of the are only to bump into someone. "Oh! I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going."

"It's alright. Hey, you're the ones from the cafe yesterday."

Hermione looks at the blond headed girl that served them the day before, alongside the other two girls she left with. "Yeah, we are. Emma right? I'm Hermione."

"Hermione? That's an unusual name, but beautiful non the less. I'm Emma Gilbert, this is Cleo Sertori," she motions to the brown haired girl before motioning to the other blond, "and this is Rikki Chadwick." She introduces them and then looks at Harry.

"Harry Potter, and this little rascal is Teddy." Harry introduces them and looks at Teddy, who steps forward and offers his hand. They each shake his hand, though they notice Rikki was a bit hesitant.

"Is he your brother?" Cleo asks as Teddy returns to Harry's side.

"He's my son." Harry answers, deciding to tell the truth to a group since he knew Emma had heard when he said son at the cafe. "We're sorry for bumping into you, but we have to be going. Teddy here needs his nap soon."

"No I don't!" Teddy says with a pout, making the group smile, even Rikki.

"Well, see you around!" Harry said and walked past them with Teddy on his arms and Hermione beside him.

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