"Thank you. I have tried my best, it's worth it though. I never thought that I would be a dad and I absolutely love it" I tell her honestly as she smiles again.

"Right here" she says as I pull into the driveway of a smaller house. I park and cut the car off opening her door, and then taking Lacey asleep into my arms.

"SHIT! He's here, he was supposed to be at work. Just wait here and I'll be back in a second, please" she asks while I see a small truck inside of the garage.

"No, I want to meet him" I demand as she shakes her head no. I'm about to beat his fucking ass, whoever he is, this Brandon guy.

"Please don't cause a scene. Promise you won't, not in front of Lacey or me" she asks grabbing my arm as I smile. I don't even think she realizes how she's rubbing her thumb back and forth across the skin and I fucking love it.

"Come on" I tell her while rubbing the small of her back under my hand and holding Lacey on my shoulder. She nods and doesn't push my hand away as we walk to the front door and she shuffles her keys finding the house one. When she opens the door I follow her in to see a small but clean living space.

"Love?" I hear a mans voice as she immediately tenses up and gets closer to my side.

"Take Lacey for me" I whisper to her as she shakes her head no.

"Take her before I beat his ass in front of my daughter. Go grab your shit while I deal with him" I demand as she shakes her head no again.

"Love is that you baby?" He asks again as I smile. I'm totally going to kill him.

"Princess take Lacey" I demand pushing Lacey into her arms as we walk into the kitchen to see a man stand from the couch. He's a shrimp, he's not nearly as big as me and I can't wait to kill him.

"Love, baby I'm sorry" he says while eyeing me and then looking into Eliza's arms. He better not fucking say shit about my daughter. He has a ring in his hands and he looks like he's been crying.

"Who are you?" He questions while crossing his arms over his wimpy chest.

"Her new man" I tell him harshly while leaning down and kissing Eliza's cheek. I smile as I peck her and grab her hip pulling her into my side until her chest touches right near my lower stomach, we're so far apart in height that I can feel her hip on my thigh.

"Baby, get your stuff, we're going to my place tonight" I tell her while pulling her head to mine and kissing her forehead. I reach down and tap her butt while rubbing it under my hand as she just looks at me. I wink at her as I rub Lacey's back and then push her off of me.

"Make sure you get everything so we can put it in my closet right next to the new underwear and bra sets I want you to put on for me" I pace towards the living room as she walks right past Brandon with his eyes popping out of his head. Job well done.

I smile at him as she walks off with Lacey, "What the fuck did you just say to my fiancé?" The douche asks as I walk over to him and grab him up by his collar pushing him into the wall.

"Listen to me you little idiotic fuck. She is not your fiancé, you made that choice when you decided that fucking a bitch was more important than waiting on her. You're a piece of fucking shit and if you ever look at what's mine again I will kill you. It's not a threat. It is a fucking promise." I shove him down as he falls to his feet under me.

"She's my fiancé!" He tells me as I lean down and grip his face in my hand. He tries to swing a fist at me as I grip his hand and push it away from me faster than he can try.

Eliza's Elation (Kingston Spin-off #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now