The Trial of Mona Lisa

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"You look handsome." April smiled as she straightened Raph's mask and patted his shoulders.

"I can't believe Slash got my girlfriend arrested. I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch." Raph growled.

"I know you're angry, Raph...but Mona needs you to stay level headed for her. You're not testifying or anything right?"

"I haven't been called to. Bishop will probably call me over because I was the one she was last seen with."

"That has nothing to do with it, you weren't here when the incident itself happened and as much as I hate to say it, she made the choice to keep running."

"You guys told her to run! That you'd take care of it!" Raph snapped.

"Raph, we have to go. The trial starts in an hour." Leo said as he walked to the turnstiles. Raph growled and followed his brother out of the Lair.

They arrived at the EPF courthouse and Raphael froze on the front steps.

"What's wrong?" Leo asked.

"I never thought I'd see the day I'd be walking into a courthouse. Especially when I'm not the one actually going to trial." Raph chuckled.

"Hey, this is all gonna be over before we know it. And don't ever be the one to end up in court, please." Leo responded.

"Does she even have an attorney?"

"Not that I know of. I don't think they get attorney's in there."

"That's against her rights!"

"How do you know what her rights are?"

"Her rights are that she has the right to an attorney. Gah! Hold on." Raph growled. He pulled his phone out and made a quick phone call.


"Hey, Mr. Jones. Long time no talk, huh?" Raph smiled.

"I'm so glad to hear your voice, your brothers told me you were taking Casey's passing very hard."

"I was........but then I realized that if he saw me the way I was...he'd punch me in the shoulder and tell me to man up." Raph chuckled.

"Yes, that was my boy. Was there something you needed?"

"Actually, yes. My girlfriend, she got into some trouble and she's going through a trial but she doesn't have an attorney and......."

"Say no more, where do you need me?"

"The EPF courthouse."

"I'm on my way. See if you can stall for twenty minutes."

"The trial doesn't start for another thirty minutes." Raph responded. He heard Casey's dad chuckle and then "I'll be there soon."

Raph hung up the phone and smiled at his brother.

"She's got an attorney."

They walked into the courthouse with Mr. Jones twenty minutes later. Mona was already sitting in the chair in front of him. She looked gorgeous in her red dress. He smiled, now really wasn't the time but he couldn't stop thinking about how good she looked in that dress, and how good she would look without it on. He smiled. Bishop walked out and he growled. He felt a hand on his thigh and looked up, Leo was giving him his parental look and had his eye ridge raised. Raph looked back to the ground and huffed.

"I would like to begin today's trial off by saying that this is one of the worst things a Salamandrian has done on the planet earth. Y'Gythba, you have evaded arrest for more than five months. But what I don't understand is why when we caught you, you went willingly."

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