Moving On

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"You always do this, Raph! You can't follow my orders for the life of you!"

"Well don't give stupid orders and maybe I would listen!" Raph yelled. Donatello and Michelangelo sat on the couch, rolling their eyes at their older brothers brawl for the thousandth time that day.

"I don't get you, Raph! It's like one day you want to be apart of this team! And the next day, you want to be some sort of vigilante!"

"If we actually did something, I wouldn't have to be so bored and go out alone all the time! There's no point in staying here if you're not gonna let us do anything!"

"If you're so sick of my rules, why don't you just leave!?"

"Leo!" Donnie yelled.

"Can it, brainiac!" Raph snapped. He then looked back at his older brother and scoffed.

Leo's eyes widened as he looked at the heart break in his brothers eyes. "Is that what you want? Me to leave?" Raph continued.

"Yea, that would be best for all of us." Leo growled. Raph looked at the ceiling and sighed as he nodded his head.

Raphael shoved his brother out of the way, and stormed to his room.

Two minutes later, Raph came storming out of his room with a duffel bag and a mace over his shoulder. Leo sighed and followed his brothers to the turnstiles.

"Raph, I didn't mean it." Leo sighed. Raph whipped around and then bag and mace hit the floor.

"No!? Then why did you say it!?" Raph screamed. Leo took a step back as Donnie and Mikey rose to their feet.

"I was angry....."

"I'm always angry! And I would never tell you to scram! Because I'm a good brother! I'm not gonna take this anymore! You want me gone!? Fine! I'm gone!" Raph screamed. He grabbed the bag and mace, then walked away.

"Raph!" Leo yelled.

"Raphie!" Mikey shouted. When Raphael vanished, the two youngest flashed a look at their brother. Leo looked over at them and jumped.

"What?" He asked.

"Nice going, Leo, Raph's ticked!"

"You kicked him out." Mikey whispered.

"Come on, you two. Raph's throwing a temper tantrum, he'll be home tonight."

"You have that much faith in him?" Donnie asked.

"This isn't the first time he's done this, he'll come home because he's hungry or has nowhere to sleep." Leo scoffed.

But that didn't happen. The leader waited until four in the morning, waiting for the hothead to walk through the turnstiles, and completely ignore the leaders existence. Nothing. Raphael didn't come home.

When Donnie and Mikey came out of their rooms the next morning, Leo was sitting on the couch, staring at the turnstiles in shock. As if they had done him wrong.

"He didn't come home did he?" Donnie mocked. Leo didn't answer, he just continued staring at the turnstiles.

"I'll take that as a no."

"Why don't we call him?" Mikey smiled. No answer. So, the youngest took matters into his own hands and called Raphael.


The warehouse floor was cold but it had to do on such short notice. He rolled over to the sound of his phone ringing and looked at it. The photo of his youngest brother smiling his adorable smile showed. But he didn't answer, he took his phone and chucked it across the room, the small device shattering when it hit the wall. He sat up and growled, looking at his bandaged arm. On the way into the warehouse, the hothead sliced his arm on a piece of broken glass. He sat up and walked over to the window and looked over the city. Now that it was just him, he could do whatever he wanted. He didn't have to hide all day. But what would he do? He decided it would be best to go to some old scrap yards and backrooms of GoodWill to grab some bedding so that way he wasn't sleeping on a cold floor tomorrow.

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