Mission with No Raph

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On patrol that night, the turtle brothers spent their first big investigation longing for the sound of groaning or complaining on how Leo's plan is stupid and uncalled for. Raph had been gone for a year and it was getting to the point where Leonardo thought Raphael was just trying to guilt trip the leader. Make him feel bad. But what Raph didn't know was that he didn't have to. Leo already felt bad.

This was their first big mission since Raphael had left. They received word that the Foot had intentions of buying illegal weapons from a private buyer at the docks. And the brothers were going to be there to stop it.

They landed on the top of one of the giant crates and waited. Leo looked through his telescope and watched the Foot soldiers and Tiger Claw moving around. Leo looked over at his brothers and nodded his head.

"Donnie, you take east, Mikey, you take west." Leo ordered.

"All do respect, Leo, but there's a lot of soldiers down there. Do you really think we can take them on our own?" Mikey mumbled. Leo looked up at the youngest and sighed. He stood up so that way he was eye level with his brother.

"I know this is the first big mission since Raph but we have to continue. The city still needs us and that will never change." Leo smiled. Mikey gulped loudly and nodded his head slowly. The leader nodded his head in approval and turned back to the Foot and Tiger Claw.

He watched in shock as Foot were dragged into the shadows and then thrown back out with their arms and legs ripped off. Tiger Claw wandered around, his sword at the ready when a small black figure jumped out and ripped on the cats ears. The giant cat roared in pain as he was dragged into the shadows.

"Was that........"Donnie began.

"Raph, come on!" Leo ordered. Before they jumped down, they were stopped by Fishface and Rahzar.

"Welcome, tartarugas. Today you FALL." Fishface smiled, pulling his sword out. The turtles ran at their enemies and began to fight.


Raph threw Tiger Claw against a wall and jumped down, pulling his mace out.

"New weapon, turtle? It suits you." Tiger Claw smiled. Raph didn't answer, he ran at the cat, swinging the giant weapon at his enemies head. When he finally got a hit in, Raphael jumped back and smiled at his accomplishment.

"Not so tough now, huh, kitty?" Raph taunted. Tiger Claw sat up and began to chuckle evilly. When Raphael turned around, it was too late. Rocksteady was already behind him. Using his horn, he picked up the turtle and slammed him against a wall. Raphael's unconscious body hit the ground and Tiger Claw loomed over him.

"Get Xever and Bradford. We're leaving with our weapons." Tiger Claw ordered. Rocksteady nodded his head and left. Tiger Claw growled and grabbed his sword and stabbed the hotheads shoulder. Raphael woke up, screaming in pain.

"A little present to remember me by." Tiger Claw smiled. Raph yelped again when the blade was ripped out of his shoulder. He rolled to his side, clutching the bleeding shoulder.

"RAPH!" Leo screamed. They found him? He pulled himself to his feet and used a smoke bomb. Leo ran into the small alleyway that his brother had just left. Mikey appeared in the opening and sighed.

"He just..........left." The youngest whimpered. Leo's fists clenched as the realization hit him. Raph was here, and he left. Donnie walked over to the wall and saw a large dent in one of the metal storage units, then looked to the floor.

"Guys, blood!" Donnie shrieked.

"He's bleeding." Leo growled.

"We can find him. He'll leave a blood trail." Donnie smiled. Leo's posture straightened and he nodded his head.

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