It's You and Me

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I'm back!

I just wanted y'all to know that today's chapter is going to have a sex scene in it. So, if you're underage, please don't read.



He walked through the tunnels. How could they not know she was so close? Yet she felt so far away. She had been hiding in the sewers this whole time. In their spot. The spot they had sex for the first time on Earth. Their first date on Earth.

It was almost as dark as the night sky in there. He saw one candle off in the distance, illuminating someone's features.

"Mona?" He whispered.

"Raphael?" The figure jumped up, ready to run.

"It's just me."

"Not another step!" She ordered.

"'s me. It's Raphael."

"How can I trust that!? Tell me something only Raphael would know!"

"Okay, you have a scar right below your back dimples. It was from when the bug thing stabbed you on Dregg's planet. I told you to get a tattoo to cover it up and you laughed in my face." Raph spat out. The figure relaxed and stepped into the moonlight that was shining through the grates.

"Raphael." She smiled as she ran over to him. She grabbed him and pulled him into an embracing hug.

"It's me. I'm home." He smiled. She pulled away and punched him in the jaw.

"What the fuck was that for!?"

"You LEFT me! Alone! You didn't even come to say goodbye to me! What kind of lover does that!?"

"I'm sorry. I was upset. I wasn't thinking clearly." Raph explained. Mona's shoulders and fists relaxed. She cupped his chin and kissed him tenderly. He pulled away from her and looked up.

"What did you and those stupid Mutanimals do?" He barked.

"I didn't do anything. Guilt by association."

"What did they do?"

"Mondo Gecko broke curfew, Slash tried to stand up and they were all arrested for resisting arrest."

"So how'd you get out."

"I had left to go to April's for some provisions. When I came back, they were loading my friends into the vans. I panicked, Raphael. They said they were sending soldiers to hunt me down. I went to your brothers and they told me to hide. That they'd take care of everything. I would've come to you but you left."

"Can you not continue to rub it in my face?" Raph scoffed.

"I'm sorry, but maybe if I'll learn your goddamn lesson." Mona barked. Raph rolled his eyes. Two arms wrapped around Raphael's neck, pulling him closely.

"Just don't do that to me again." She smiled. Raph held her close and nodded.

"Promise." He whispered.

She kissed him again and again and again. It was amazing. He missed this. Their tongues soon began to clash and he pushed her up against the wall behind her. His hands slid down to her ass and picked her up. Long blue legs were now wrapped around his waist, her hands on his face. He held her in place on the wall by holding her hips firmly. She pulled her top off, leaving her exposed to him. She pushed him off of her and slid her pant legs down, now she was completely naked. She wrapped her arms around his neck and left them there, his hands still firmly on her hips. She gasped as he entered her. It wasn't painful, it was relaxing and stress relieving. She had spent the last three years worried that she'd never see him again. And now, they were finally together again. She moaned and groaned as they moved together.

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