The Time Has Come

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"You haven't put any planning into this!" Mikey shrieked.

"I don't need to."

"Why not!?"

"Because, she's gonna know something's going on if I'm constantly planning something. I want her to be caught off guard."

"You're cruel." Mikey huffed. Leo rolled his eyes and chuckled at his youngest brother.

"Whatever you do, I'm sure it's going to be amazing." Donnie smiled.

"Yea........I hope."

"Don't second guess yourself." Leo growled.

"What do you mean?"

"You may have grown since you left but you can't fool me, Raphael. You're my younger brother. I know you three like the back of my hand."

"I'm not doing this argument right now." Raph chuckled. "I'll be back."

"Where are you going?" Leo asked.

"Relax, Fearless. I'm not going topside. I'm going to find my girl." Raph smiled before vanishing into the sewer system.

"What on Earth are you doing?" Raph asked. Mona jumped and turned around.

"Raphael! You weren't supposed to see this." Mona smiled as she rubbed her arm.

"What is this?" He asked as he walked towards it.

"Your gift."

"What gift? I don't need a gift." Raph chuckled nervously.

"I do not care. This is my repayment for helping me with my trial."

"Oh, honey, you already repaid me. Many, many, times." Raph chuckled as he walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"I know but this is less...........sexual." She giggled.

"I like the sexy stuff." He joked. She rolled her eyes and turned him around. Lights were hanging from the ceiling, a table was set in the middle of the circle if the lights.

"Go look at it." She smiled. He looked at her then walked up to the table. There was a collage of him, her and his family.

"I figured we could hang it up in the Farmhouse." She smiled.

"Yea.......but um......I was thinking about that......I don't think we should move there. It is April's house. Plus, gah! Nevermind. Let's talk about that later. I love it. Thank you, babe."

"You're welcome." Mona smiled. She gave him a tender kiss and walked back to the Lair with him.

"So!? So!? Let me see your hand!" Mikey screamed as he ran up to her. He grabbed her left hand and looked.

"Why wold you want to see my hand, Michelangelo?" Mona asked.

"Um.......I was gonna paint my nails but......I changed my mind, like right this second so......heh heh." Mikey smiled awkwardly. Raph growled and palmed his face.

"Hey, why don't you get changed into somethin' fancy?" Raph smiled.


"'Cause, I'm takin' you out tonight." He smiled.

"Very well." Mona smiled, she kissed his cheek, turned to Mikey, giggled and walked to her room.

"What are you doing!?" Raph snapped.

"I thought that's why you were going to find her." Mikey explained.

"Well, damn it, Mikey."

"I'm sorry." Mikey whispered.

"It's fine, I'll figure something out."

"Hey, Raph, April just told me you don't want the Farmhouse?"

"Nope. That's her place, figured you two could move in there. Besides, Leo's been helping me with me and Mona's place. I'm takin' her there tonight."

"That's not fancy."

"Oh yes it is." Leo chuckled.


Walking through the sewers with a blindfold on. Mona's heart was pounding.

"If you are taking me out here to murder me, I want you to know I have a loud scream." Mona joked.

"I wouldn't murder you. Who would make me coffee in the morning?"

"Ass." Mona smiled.

"Hang on, we're here." Raph responded. He stepped in front of her and pulled the blindfold off her eyes. He stepped out of her way and watched her eyes light up.

"What is this?" She gasped.

"Like I said, I thought April should live at the Farmhouse with is her home. So with that said, I made us one."

"You built this!?" She shrieked.

"The frame was here but Leo and I have been working on this while you're gone with the girls and we fixed this place up. We've still got a few rooms that need some work but other than that, it's livable."

"Raphael, this is gorgeous." Mona gasped.

"Yea? There's just one more thing I need to ask you before we set this in stone." He smiled.

"And that is?" She asked. He pulled her into their hopeful future home, brought her to a door and opened it. When the door opened, 'Can't Help Falling In Love' By Hailey Reinhart came on, candles were flickering and there was the photo of their first date framed in the middle of a table, surrounded by lilies.

"Raphael......." She gasped. "This is.....Oh my God!" She screamed when she turned around.

Down on one knee, the red masked turtles heart felt like it was going to pound out of his chest.

"I have been in love with you from the moment I met you. You make me feel safe and happy. You make me a better person. I know I've been a shitty boyfriend these past few years. But I hope this makes up for it. Mona Lisa, will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?"

Hands over her mouth, tears filled her eyes. She stood there for what felt like hours. Not contemplating, just standing in shock. She reached her hands out, completely disregarding the ring and grabbed his face. She stood him up and kissed him. He pulled away and smiled.

"Is that a yes?"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, Raphael, yes." Mona smiled. He laughed and pulled the ring out of the box and slid it onto her finger. She laughed along with him, kissing him passionately.

"Is this why Michelangelo wanted to see my hand?" She asked pointing at the ring.

"He's never been good at containing his excitement." Raph nodded.

"Oh my God. How did I not catch on!?" She laughed. He shrugged and kissed her again and again.

They arrived back at the Lair and Mikey was bouncing up and down, along with everyone else. Mona bowed her head and smiled. She quickly lifted her hand up, showing the diamond.

"I said yes!" She smiled. Everyone jumped off the couch and sprinted towards them. Hugging the future bride and groom. Everyone celebrated.


The Time Has Come.......

This is one of the more dramatic stories I've written....

I hope you guys enjoyed.

Yes, this is the end.

This was more of a prequel to my OneShot 'HOLY MATRIMONY AND A LITTLE MORE PIZZAZ'. If you haven't read it yet, go check it out.

I hated not warning you but I don't want to keep stringing you along when there isn't much else to do. You know that they live happily ever after.

Thanks again.

I love you all.

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