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The portkey lifted off the ground and spun quickly. I tightened my grip on Fred's hand. There was a swirl of colors and a loud howl of wind before we all hit the hard ground with a thud. I look up to see Mr. Weasley, Mr. Diggory, and Cedric standing still as we got off the ground. It was kind of embarrassing. Cedric was at my side in an instant to help me up. Not wanting to be rude, I took his hand.

"Fred, chill out." I heard George say and I walked over to them

"Fred, stop." I scolded quietly

"I'm sorry I don't want pretty boy all over my girlfriend." He rolled his eyes

"He's not all over me. He helped me stand up."

"And did he help Hermione or Ginny? No. He didn't" His voice got louder

"Okay, sorry." I said and walked away

"What happened?" Ginny asked me

"Nothing. He's just being annoying. He thinks Cedric is trying to flirt with me and he's getting jealous." I rolled my eyes and we went to set up our tent


"You sure this tent is going to fit all of us?" I asked Ginny and Harry seemed to be wondering the same thing by the look on his face

"Why don't you see for yourself." She held the tent open and both Harry and I looked inside. Inside, it looked like a house. Bedrooms, a dining room, a kitchen, a living room, just everything!

"Woah," I said in amazement

"I love magic." Harry said as he stepped inside. Ron and the twins came racing in and Ron ran straight to the kitchen

"Get out of the kitchen, Ron. We're all hungry." Mr. Weasley said as he walked in

"Yeah, Ron, get out of the kitchen." The twins said at the same time and put their feet up on the dining table

"Feet off the table." Mr. Weasley called from another room

"Feet off the table." The twins chorused back and took their feet down for a second before placing them back on the table

"This is amazing!" I said to nobody in particular

"If you think this is cool, you should see some of the other tents." Bill said as he and Charlie walked in. I stepped back outside and saw some of the most spectacular tents ever. If you could even call them tents, that is. I don't know how I missed it but right across from our tent was a 'tent' with a front lawn complete with a picket fence, a garden, and a birdbath. I looked down a bite and saw more of those huge house-like tents, along with a few that looked just like the Weasley's sprinkled in. I quickly realized that this tent was all they could afford. I'm sure they would have one of those huge ones if they could, but just like the Burrow, I loved every part of this tent. I looked behind me and saw Harry and Hermione doing the same as me, admiring the world that we are a part of that we didn't even know about until three years ago

"I love this." I said to them

"Love what?" Hermione asked

"All of this." I gestured all around me "I love this life we are apart of. It's like something out of a movie. I can't believe it's all real and we live in it."

"It's rather cool, isn't it?" Hemione agreed

"Cool?" Harry asked "More like brilliant."

"Guys," Ron poked his head out "it's time for lunch." and we all went inside.

"Bella." I looked over to where the voice was coming from and saw Fred. He waved me over and I rolled my eyes and went to talk to him

"Are you ready to stop being immature and jealous?" I asked and crossed my arms over my chest

"Jealous? Definitely. Immature? I don't know if I was necessarily being immature." He said, "I'm sorry, I just don't like it when some guy just flirts with my girlfriend and she does nothing about it."

"Cedric wasn't flirting with me." I told him

"He was."

"When?" I pressed.

"Well, um," He stammered "not flirting, but showing interest."

"When?" I asked again

"When he introduced himself to you, he kissed your hand, and-"

I scoffed "He did the same to Hermione and Ginny."

"No, he didn't." Fred argued

"He did though." I argued back "If you don't believe me then go ask them. But the fact that you don't believe me makes me upset. What have I ever done to make you not trust what I'm saying?" He ignored my question and instead walked over to the table

"Did Cedric kiss your hand when he introduced himself?" He asked the other girls and they both nodded yes. Fred looked back at me and I raised my eyebrows at him. He rolled his eyes and took a seat at the table rather than own up to his mistake.

"Isabella, are you going to come to eat?" Mr.Weasley asked

"No, I'm not hungry. Thank you though."

"Well, leftovers will be in the kitchen when you want it." He told me

"Okay, thank you." I said then went off to the bedroom that Hermione, Ginny, and I are going to share. I sat down on one of the beds and began writing in my journal.

About an hour has passed when I hear someone clear their throat outside of the room. I get up to open the curtain and Fred walks in "Bella, I'm sorry." He says

"Why are you sorry?" I asked. He came in and sat on the bed and threw his hands up

"I don't know, Bella.  I honestly don't know what I have done wrong."

"Fred, I've told you multiple times why I'm upset and I don't want to keep telling you. So figure it out and come back to me when you actually ready to apologize."

"Okay." He finally gave up trying to argue. He stood up and crossed the room to leave. Before he left, he placed a kiss on the top of my head. "I love you."

"I love you too." I said and he left the room

Up to No Good ~a Fred Weasley(+ cedric diggory) fanfiction~Where stories live. Discover now