~𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕪 𝕥𝕨𝕠~

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"Well, well, well, look at who it is. And just what have you two been doing in the boys' bathroom?"

"I think you can figure that out for yourself."  I said


"Oh dear Hermione, when a boy and a girl love each other-" Cedric began, but was quickly cut off

"I know, I know, shut it. It's time for dinner." She said and walked away. Cedric and I turned to each other and laughed

"Don't mind her, lets go eat." We walked into the great hall and Cedric pulled me in for a kiss before making his way down the Hufflepuff table. Lots of cheers and high fives were given as he walked past. He looked over to me and winked.


Harry and I have been sitting on the couch facing the window for hours, "I want to ask Cho to the Yule Ball." He said after a few minutes of neither of us talking


"Are you even listening to me?"

"I'm sorry. I got distracted."

"By what? Let me guess, Cedric." He let out a breath, "It was never like this with Fred. You were actually able to hold a conversation with me but now I'm lucky if I can get you to focus on anything other than your boyfriend."

"I'm sorry. I'm listening now, what were you saying?"

"I want to ask Cho to the ball."

"You totally should. I'll make sure she isn't already going with someone." We sat in awkward silence, "But in the meantime, what are you going to do about that egg?" I gestured to the golden egg on the side table

"I'm not sure, every time I open it it's just that loud screeching sound. I don't know what kind of clue that is. I wonder if anyone else has figured it out yet."

"The last time I saw Cedric earlier he still hadn't figured it out yet."

"Great, so now neither of us know what to do."

"I'm sure you'll figure it out." I yawned and put my head on his shoulder as we looked out the window at the starry sky and the forbidden forest. We both turned and looked at the tall grandfather clock as it struck 1am

"You know, I've always liked the stars. After spending the first 11 years of my life sleeping in a cupboard and not being able to see the night sky, it's a nice change." He paused, "I've been writing to Sirius a lot recently. He started telling me a lot more about my mum and dad. I wish they were still around. They sound like amazing people. My dad seems like he was so much fun. From what Sirius tells me, the two of them were kind of like Fred and George. Pulling pranks and just having a good time. He sent me a photo. It was  on my first birthday. Dad and Sirius bought me a little broom and in the picture they were laughing and mum looked annoyed by them but she had the slightest smile. I wish I could've grown up living with them. I would've had an amazing life. Sirius, Dad, Remus and I would be in the living room and mum would come home and just shake her head at us because we were doing something dumb. It sounds amazing doesn't it?" He asked but I had already fallen asleep listening to him talk about his family, "Good night, Bell."


"Bloody hell!" I groaned and looked at the pillow that had fallen to the ground after George threw it at Harry and I, "I like waking up in the Hufflepuff common room better. They're quiet and don't throw pillows." Harry laughed and picked up the pillow and put it next to him

"Then they don't know how to have fun." Fred said

"Yes they do. They just know that the mornings should be peaceful." Harry stood up and held out his hands to pull me up

"Okay, okay, go see your Hufflepuff in his peaceful common room." Harry said, slightly mocking me

"I will." I said and waved as I walked out of the room into the hallway.

I sleepily made my way down to the Hufflepuff common room and opened the door. I didn't see Cedric anywhere so I made my way to his dormitory and waved back to people who waved to me as I passed. I quietly opened Cedric's door and saw him still asleep. I closed it behind me and walked over to his bed. I pulled the covers back and put them over me as I laid down next to him. He shifted closer, put his arms around me, and kissed the top of my head, "I didn't mean to wake you." I whispered

"I'm a light sleeper." He said in a groggy voice that made my stomach flutter, "We can go back to sleep though."

"Okay." I nestled my head under his chin and listened to his heart beat as the two of us fell asleep.


"Cedric," I sat on top of him and ran my hands through his hair, "wake up."

"I'm awake." He said and pulled me down to lay on his chest, "Good morning." I lifted my head to look at him and he smiled at me

"Good morning." I said back and kissed his chest

"Are you aware of how beautiful you are?"

"You have told me a few times."

"Not nearly enough times." He tightened his arms around me

"You are going to give me a big ego."

"You deserve one." I sat up

"You will regret giving me one if you do." I smiled

"Oh I'm sure." He let out a low chuckle



"What's this?" I pointed to the mark that strongly resembled a hickey right above his collarbone

"A scar from my burns." He said quickly and sat up, moving me to sit in his lap facing him


"I swear." He took in the wary look on my face, "I promise, it's just from the dragon."

"But Madam Pomfrey got rid of all of the burns."

"Bella, it's one scar."

"You're not lying to me?"

"Not in the slightest. It's one burn mark. That's all."

"Okay." I turned my face away from him

"Hey," he placed his finger on my cheek and made me face him, "I love you."

"I love you too."

Up to No Good ~a Fred Weasley(+ cedric diggory) fanfiction~Where stories live. Discover now