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"Get up." Harry said

"Wakey Wakey." Ron said in a high pitched voice

"Up. Now. Or you'll be late for breakfast." Hermione scolded

"Shut up." I said and buried my head into Fred's chest, "I have a horrible headache, leave me alone."

"You already skipped classes yesterday, you need to go today."

"We'll get up. Relax, Granger." Fred mumbled and wrapped his arms around me, keeping his eyes closed

"Fine. But if you are late for your classes, it's your own fault."

"I'm aware. Thank you, mum." He said sarcastically. I heard them walk away and the portrait door close behind them, "Get your friends under control."

"I'll try." I kissed his neck a few times, "Can we just stay here? I'm really not looking forward to seeing Malfoy"

"I know, but you can't hide forever." He said and rubbed my back

"And I have the worst headache ever, can't I just take a sick day?"

"We did that yesterday, love." He reminded me

"That was stupid. I need it more today than I did yesterday."

"I know, but we have to go. Come on, let's both go get dressed and I'll wait down here for you."

"What if I get dressed first?"

"Not gonna happen. You take forever."

"It's a challenge. Ready, set, go." I jumped off of his lap and ran up the stairs

"No fair."

"Stop wasting time." I called back to him and ran into my dormitory to get dressed. After 5 minutes, I went back down to the common room

"I told you it wasn't going to happen." Fred smirked and pushed himself off the wall he was leaning on

"It's only because you have longer legs so you can move faster."

"Okay, shorty." He walked over and grabbed my hand and we walked to the Great Hall.

"There he is." I whispered and nodded in the direction of Draco.

"Isabella." I looked over to where I heard my name and saw Cedric

"Cedric. Hi!" I said and Fred's hand tensed up

"Hi. I heard what Draco said to you yesterday at lunch and I wanted to ask if you were okay, but you disappeared for the rest of the day. I was worried something happened." He gave me a soft smile

"Yeah, I'm okay. I just needed to take a day to-"

"Angel," Draco said, walking up closer to me. Fred let go of my hand and put his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him, "Why so protective, Weasley?"

"I believe you know why, Malfoy."

"See, you all have it wrong. She should be honored that I a pureblood and not a blood traitor hit on a mudblood like her."

"Stop calling me that!"

"But it's what you are, angel"

"I'm muggle born. I don't deserve to be called horrible names because of that" I said, trying to not yell. I pushed Fred's hand off my shoulder and rushed over to the Gryffindor table. I sat between Harry and Hermione. I put my head in my hands on the table and tried to stop myself from screaming. Hermione rubbed my back, then Harry pulled me into a hug

"George, go make sure that Fred doesn't do something that will get him in trouble." Hermione said, and I heard shuffling that meant that George did, in fact, get up.

"George told us what happened." Ron said quietly

"He really is terrible." Hermione said, "Malfoy, I mean."

"Can we not talk about it?" I asked, still hugging Harry

"Yeah, sorry." Ron apologized

"It's fine. I'm gonna have to put up with him talking about it so I'd rather not think about it when I don't have to."

"Makes sense." Hermione said. Fred came over and sat across from me. Harry let go of me and I turned to face Fred

"I'm gonna tell McGonagall." He said

"Please don't."

"Why not?"

"Because then he's gonna tell her that I was drinking and then we are gonna get in trouble."

"I have to tell her, Bell. He shouldn't be able to get away with how he treats you."

"Fine." I said and turned back to my plate.

Later that day, when we got to transfiguration, Professor McGonagall called me up to her desk

"Miss Roberts, I'd like to speak with you after class if that is alright."

"I take it Fred talked to you?"

"Yes. Please go take your seat and we will talk after class" I nodded and went back to my seat.

Class went on, I don't even remember what happened, I was too worried about talking to McGonagall. After the bell rang through the castle, I got up and walked to the front of the room

"Please take a seat." She said pointing to a hair beside her desk, "Mr. Weasley told me what happened. All of it. From the names you were called yesterday, to you skipping your classes, to you drinking..." she eyed me, "to Mr. Malfoy harassing you."

"I'm sorry, Professor." I said

"No need to apologize. Your actions were justified. Don't think for a second that you are the first student to drink too much." She said in a comforting tone, "Tho I still have to punish you for that, three days detention. But Mr. Malfoy will be lucky if Professor Dumbledore doesn't expel him from the school. His actions are and will not be tolerated." She took out a piece of parchment and a quill and began writing, "At the start of each lesson period, you are to show this to your teacher, they will give you your work, you have a free pass to stay in Gryffindor tower today, until Mr. Malfoy gets spoken to."

Up to No Good ~a Fred Weasley(+ cedric diggory) fanfiction~Where stories live. Discover now