~𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕪 𝕤𝕚𝕩~

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"Wait, Ced, hear me out,"

"I'm listening. I have been the whole time."

"Okay well, we prank Snape-"

"I don't do pranks." He said and I realized that I had forgotten I was talking to Cedric rather than Fred.

"Right." I said "Never mind then."

"You used to do pranks with the twins all the time, right?"

"It was mainly just a prank war between Fred and me and George and Lee; but yeah. I haven't pulled a prank since I started dating you though. Sometimes I miss the adrenaline rush of it."

"Pranks just aren't my thing. I don't particularly find the pranks they pull to be very funny. Mostly just inconvenient"

"Oh." I said trying to cover the disappointment. There it was; the one thing that makes us total opposites. I like to risk everything and he likes to stay safe. It's the whole thing about Gryffindors not thinking before doing something coming back to the surface. I needed to go back to my roots and pull a prank with my best friend. A best friend that I haven't had an actual conversation with in days; Fred Weasley, "I'll catch up with you later, okay?"

"Yeah, okay." He said and let go of my hand. I began running in the opposite direction, up to the Gryffindor common room

"Fred!" I yelled as I ran in, "Neville, where's Fred?"

"I dunno. He said something about messing with Professor Snape's classroom."

"Perfect! Thank you." I said and rushed out. They were just one step ahead of me. I ran all the way to the dungeons and saw the twins and Lee and ran up to them, "Guys." They all jumped

"Bella!" Fred said

"We thought you were Snape." Lee said, holding his chest

"Nope. You guys had the same thought I did. I wanted to prank him."

"You miss your old ways? Before you started dating a Hufflepuff who never see's the bad in anyone?" Fred playfully mocked me

"Yes actually, I do miss it. Let me help you guys."

"He put a charm on his door. We've tried a bunch of spells and nothing has worked."

"Watch out." I pulled a bobby pin out of my hair and shoved the boys away. I stuck the pin in the lock and slowly twisted it, "Got it!" I said and turned the knob, opening the door.

"You're amazing." George said as he rushed past into the classroom,

"Wait, so do you guys have a plan?" I asked them as we filed in behind George

"Of course we have a plan. Have you forgotten who you're dealing with? We can't risk any mistakes." Fred said

"We're going to turn all of the ingredients into some kind of slime but we figured out a way that only after you pour it out it becomes a slime so it ruins his potions."

"Geniuses. All three of you. This is exactly what I needed."

"Why? What happened?"

"Nothing happened per say. It's just Cedric doesn't really do the whole prank thing and I've been missing it."

"Well, you gave come to the right place. We've been missing our fourth member." George threw his arm over my shoulder

"Okay, less talking and more getting stuff done. He could come back at any moment."

"Right. Let's go." Fred said and we got to work

Sorry for the short chapter and the lack of content. I started my first year of college about two weeks ago and I've been really busy trying to balance a social life and keeping up with school so writing has kinda taken a back seat. I'll try to update when I can but it definitely wont be a consistent schedule.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 08, 2021 ⏰

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Up to No Good ~a Fred Weasley(+ cedric diggory) fanfiction~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora