First kiss with Luna

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Short and sweet, but the most surprising, heart pounding realisation of your life.
You were walking the corridor, listening intently to what she had to say.
She didn't actually talk a lot, just the occasional, dreamy sentence, prompting you to think about it in a dreamy silence...

Sometimes she'd spurt out something new about the Nargles, and you'd just silently consider it.
Other times she'd pop up with something along the lines of, "you should try reading upside-down some time."
And you'd start thinking about just how fun it'd be.

Being in a relationship with Luna is just the most unique experience. You wouldn't trade it for anything in the world, and you were always sure to let her know that.
She smiled at you when you dropped her off in front of her classroom. People were hanging around the door, sustaining their freedom for as long as they could.
"Have fun in potions, and remember: Don't doddle. Okay? Follow your instructions and do not, for the love of God, let your curiosity make you experiment."

"What can I tell you? I got it from my mother," she smiled.
She looked like a bloody Angel sent to earth.

You sighed, contently, leaning in to kiss her cheek, and she stopped you as you pulled away.

"Don't you want to kiss me?"
It was perfectly in character for her to blurt out such a thing without a care, but of course you were stunned.

"Do you want me to kiss you?"

She leans in and presses a firm, sort of loud kiss to your lips. It's like a total shock to your system, and you can't let but let out a small laugh.
"I'll see you at lunch. Bye!"

You just knew that your entire free period would be spent replaying the moment over and over again.
"Man, is she gunna kill me..."

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