Dating Hermione

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Dating Hermione Granger would include...

* Always having mutual feelings that everyone notices
* You not being too shy about it. You can act normal around her
* Until she's in an argument with someone
* Because then, you're right at her side, laughing in the face of anyone trying to prove her wrong
* You being a Slytherin
* You've got such a powerful mind
* She'd be intrigued by the way you think
* As a Gryffindor, she's more or less one-track minded. Not with everything, of course!
* And as a Slytherin who doesn't care about blood/economic status, you're quite the pair
* You don't settle until you've righted what you want to be righted
* Hermione is similar, but she tends to weigh her options a little more if she thinks, for a second, that it might be the wrong choice morally
* You've always patiently listened to her concerns
* That might be why she likes you so much
* Her opinion on you is basically just that you're beautiful, and that no one could have such a perfectly balanced personality for her
* Her beginning to see it in third year when you began to share Divination
* You respected the professor, and couldn't understand why this girl would have such an outburst as though she weren't in a magical school
* Everything's sketchy! It's magic!
* But you were the one who tried to understand that she must have something going on
* You always found her cute
* But when you guys went from casually chatting around school to hanging out and practicing the spells Harry taught you in fifth year, that changed things
* Not only was she cute, but she was just
* Such an attractive person
* You wound up taking her to extra practice sessions wherever you could
* It was kind of hard considering how discreet you had to be
* You're the one who asked her out
* She'd become irresistible to you at some point
* Ron being the only one who's shocked when y'all announce your relationship
* It's just that, he can be rather oblivious to people's feelings, can't he?
* Hermione helping you with your homework
* You helping her with literally any life struggle she has
* No PDA, but lots of cuddles in private
* (Whatever you can snag by the empty lake)
*  Casual kisses
* They're sweet little pecks because you know that's what makes her heart flutter
* Every. Bloody. Time
* Not being able to go and hunt Horcruxes
* Having the hardest time in seventh year
* But that was only half the battle
* Then there was war
* Only being able to make it out alive to see Hermione
* Because you swear on everything that is good and holy, that you need to see her
* You need to marry her
* To need to live out your life with her
* And that's exactly what you got to do

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