Harry Potter x reader

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Potions, in my opinion, is the best class. Not many people thought so but I did. Not only was it a more entertaining version of muggle chemistry which I actually hate- but I could sit and listen to professor Snape talk all day. He was my favourite teacher which is rare for most. I liked to pay attention to the little unique things that seem so insignificant to others. I think that's what Snape hated about me. That and i'm the student who starts all the riots, even when it's with my friends. In this school there were no converations during class. It was weird. Something i'm just not used to.

I've been at Hogwarts for five years, they're bound to be used to it by now. I'm one of the youngest in my year, still fourteen. So sometimes I was looked at as immature even though I was friends with everyone in my house. Maybe not the golden trio. I didn't mind them but they probably didn't have time for my clowning around.
"Miss (Y/N), what did I say? You wouldn't mind telling me the answer, would you?"
Snapped out of my thoughts, I looked around. "Well, you already know this but I seem to have zoned out. And to be perfectly honest, I have no problem answering if you ask the question again."
The silent class looked at me, either stifling a laugh, playfuly shaking their heads or rolling their eyes. Snape let out an long, unsurprised sigh. "Revision, Miss (Y/N). What is beazor and where do I find it?"
"Oooh, a beazors location and purpose. Fun," I leaned forward, clasping my hands. "It's a stone. It's found in the stomach of a goat wich, by the way, just isn't biology. It stops the effect of poisons. Well, most if them anyway."
"Well done. The attention you pay in general is surprising considering the amount you pay while not learning. You think you'd see the importance. But..." he trails off. "It seems that some people aren't as mature as that. Isn't that so, Mr Potter?" He spat sternly, making Harry turn his head to the professor.
"Sorry, sir," he appolgised inching back from Ron and Hermione as he was previously at the edge of his seat, leaning forward and whispering.
"You know, you say that alot. Like, every time you're in this classroom you get pulled up for yapping or not paying attention, and every time you appologise and straighten yourself up."
Harry looked at me, only slightly shocked. My bet was that he expected nothing less from me, it's just that I don't usually converse with him. He looked at me before opening speaking himself. "Well, I do actually have the decency to appologies during class for disruptions. Alot of people don't."
"Well i'm dreadfully sorry you feel that way," I said smartly, turning in my chair to face back to the front with a proud look on my face.
"That's pitiful-"
As I turn around pretending to look interested, Professor Snape speaks calmly.
"If you are quite finished? I'll announce your detainment. With me, a quarter hour of your lunch break... today," he stated firmly.

I really didn't feel like detention today. I sighed and lay my hands on the desk in order to straighten myself up. "Sir, we're just kidding on. No harm done, right?"
"Unless you think that slowing down my lesson isn't punishable you'd know that it is a detainable offence, therefore, you'll serve the dentainment punishment I give to you," he slowly spoke, writing up two slips of parchment. "Oh, and... ten points from Gryffindor," he looked up. "Each."


"Well congratulations, Harry. You were stupid enough to end up here," I said casually as I strolled into the classroom that Harry was already in. "I mean, it's me, i'm great. You'll be fine."
"Ahem! I'd usually ask you to clean and organise my the class room without magic, but as you can see… with the amount of students I have in here my class is in perfect condition. So instead you will write lines. Line... after line... after line. I will not disturb the professors teaching time. Now, do not stop writing until fifteen minutes is up. I trust that you are able to tell the time? You may begin."
Once I'd sat down with a roll of parchement and a quill, Snape fled the room.

I searched through my satchel for ink when it dawned on me that I simply didn't have it. I groaned in annoyance while listening to the dip of Harrys quill and ink. "Harry, I need to borrow your ink."
He looked at me and turned back to his lines before pushing the little bottle towards me.
I rolled my eyes, dipping my quill. "What's with the silence?"
"You've got me in enough trouble today," he answered, jaw clenched.
I tutted, rolling my eyes for the thousandth time today. "Don't talk rubbish. You're always in trouble. You and your friends who are like the bloody mystery gang. Who's Scooby in all this and where's he at?"
Harry looked at me and a swore I saw a curve at the corner of his mouth before he replaced it with another frown. "You're not helping your case," he asserted quickly; trying to cover up that he was actually enjoying my company the slightest.
"Ooh, my case. 'Cause that's all i've ever wanted. I'd give up everything for you to not be… silent," I sarcastically gasped.

Harry finally put down his quill and turned to face me. In return I did the same, clasping my hands and leaning forward expectantly. "You know for someone so arrogant you really do humour me."
"No clue if that's good or bad," I laughed, stroking my knuckles with the feather.
"At first I was going to say both but I really could use a laugh."
"Well, that's good. Whenever you need a laugh just come and find me," I smiled. We laughed about random things for a further five to ten minutes, still nothing on my parchment. "My cheeks hurt," I complaied jokingly.


Harry's blue eyes looked to have flickered from my own (Y/E/C) ones to my lips. He leaned forward and I found myself doing the same. As cocky as I may be, i've never kissed a soul before. If I didn't force myself it's supposed to happen, right?
Everything was moving in slow motion while my brain tried to regester what was about to happen.
We got closer and closer until I could feel his hot, minty breath on my face. Inches away from eachother waiting to be kissed, knowing there was just one move left then...

"A further 20 house points from Gryffindor!"

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