Who I ship you with #5

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So im a 14 year old girl. Im in Hufflepuff, people tell me im kind and crazy(dont really have friends to tell me that). Yes im kind but if i get angry you should run. I love reading, mostly fantasy books. I listen to music,mostly BTS. I also love animals, my favorites are snakes, wolf's and dogs. My favorite magical creature is a Niffler. I have middle size brown hair, dark brown eyes, i love hoodies and trousers. I sleep with stuffed animals. My favorite Hogwarts classes are Potions and Magical care of creatures and my favorite professor is Snape. That should be it

You're another one that I ship with Neville.
You're just so soft and um-intimidating, approachable, if you will, and that's perfect for him!
Not that he doesn't like to make effort in things, but to approach an Angel like you first? Unthinkable!

But that's also why you're so great together too. You'd be, like, his protector. For the small things anyway. He'd always feel safe when he's with you, change my mind.

Oh! Deadass, you guy' have known each other since first year.
All his Gryffindor friends noticed his crush on you, the ethereal Hufflepuff who sits in the same place in the great hall to get their homework done before classes.
They probably asked you out for him before you'd even spoken.
Of course you'd brush that shit off with an eye-roll, believing them, but not taking them seriously at the same time.

I imagine you'd become fast friends with Seamus and Dean, the boys who did the dirty work, in attempts to get to know Neville.
Once you're part of their group, they start to see through you as you grow more comfortable. You're crazy, loud, a mad hatter! And so, you win their hearts.

But Neville sees all of that, but doesn't forget that quiet, focussed side of you, or the one that would backhand someone in his honour without a second thought for that matter!

Y'all wouldn't even date, (well, you would, but you wouldn't have that moment where you talk about it.) like, you'd just become more and more fond of his puppy-dog eyes, and not be able to keep away from him.

You guys go through school that way until you're at the point where it's like, "wait, wtf, how did we start dating?"

In conclusion, I love you guys together, it just makes my heart hurt!

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