Dating Luna

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Dating Luna would include...

* meeting her in your fifth year along with the others
* You were best friends with Neville
* The yin to his yang
* But unfortunately that lead to you being tangled in with Harry's ministry business
* He wanted to save the man who, up until that point, you'd assumed to be a serial killer
* And you went along with it
* It wasn't only that you'd known better than to doubt Harry Potter
* But that Neville knew even better than you to trust that if Harry was doing something, he would always have a reason
* First seeing her in the Hogshead where Hermione had asked you, and a bunch of other students, to meet
* You ended up signing to join Dumbledores army
* And you could not keep your eyes off of the pale haired girl
* She spoke as though in a day dream, eyes wandering around the room in a daze
* She hadn't even noticed you at all
* Or so you thought
* Whenever you were in the Room Of Requirement, your eyes would find her
* You once heard Harry call her Luna, and you'd officially made up you mind that she was way beyond perfection
* After months of thinking she's not even noticed your existence, she calmly asks if you like to be her partner as you practice some disarming spells
* Of course you were shocked. Why you?
* "You always seem to look at me, so I figured we can do spells together."
* And that's how it started
* Just doing spells
* All. The. Time.
* You would always find an excuse to practice, whether it's that you need someone to practice on, you need help with incantation, you can't get down the wrist movement
* She didn't offer enough, so you had to take initiative
* You being a Hufflepuff, but kind of loud
* You had such an open mind that it attracted Luna
* You thought she was happy to chat away and tell you all of her thoughts, but you had no idea that you say such amazing things, think such amazing thoughts
* You were clueless that she was doing exactly what you were doing when it came to practice
* "Oh, but I want to see you today. That's why I keep making plans with you... you didn't know?"
* Being curious as to what your relationship was
* Her seeming to think it was rather obvious, and that your relationship was romantic
* It just lacked a title
* You two going out and trying a new thing on the menu of every place in Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley when ever you went out
* She liked to tell you what she imagines you'll be like in the future
* Eating lunch together in the great hall
* Always, always, always holding hands
* You constantly kissing her cheeks
* Being the cutest couple in school
* Well, not everyone thought so
* But you really, really didn't care x

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