Chapter 14: Training Day

Start from the beginning

''Edward!'' Esme admonished him.

I knew he was just spoiling for a fight ever since he arrived home. He came home late early morning, just as I gave my post up to Jacob. When he saw that I was still there, he growled ferociously all the way to his room. This was the first time I saw him out since he flitted to his room; slamming the door. I was not surprised he had the relentless feeling to pound my face in. So, if the boy wants to play with the adults, so be it. Just hope he doesn't go crying to his mommy when he gets spanked. Silence enclosed us as the drama ensued.

''All talk, huh? You fucker! I knew you were afraid of me.'' Edward continued to taunt.

I only smiled at his reckless behavior pleasantly. It was pissing him off even more and I knew it was giving me an edge. Stupid child. He has no clue that my fury was boiling just beneath the surface ready to explode and ruin his world.

''That foolish cockiness is one of your weaknesses. And someday it's going to get you killed, boy. ''I said to his fading grin.

I was dangerously calm, and he was a child with an inflated ego. This was the most fun I had in weeks. He looked like he was going to lose it soon. I suppose he's expected me to just react to him, but I chose what I do, not others.

''OK fine, Caius! ''He threw up his hands and gestured. ''if you're not up to it, at least let me take a shot at your face. ''

I stared coldly and did not give away my feelings. I was unreadable.

''Come on, little Eddie. Take your shot then. I'm ready when you are. ''I said finally, as I took a step back and widened my stance with my icy expression still on that seemed to rattle his nerves even more.

He raked his eyes over me, trying to decipher what his move would be. Next, he shrugged and flew at me aiming for my head. I dodged it with one swift movement. I shot him a shitty grin for his reward, then gave it all I had and belted him in the jaw. Edward flew back 10 feet and landed hard against the tree.

''I guess you were right. I really did need to burn off some steam. ''I smiled again, even wider than before and started to walk past him to my mate.

Bella was anxious for me and Edward. I felt a tinge of jealousy at the knowledge but ignored it. I wanted to get to her and wrap my arms reassuringly around her but, Edwards grabbed me so fast I didn't have time to block him. He slammed me against the tree I knocked him into a moment ago and had his face just inches from mine. I didn't hesitate and kneed him in the groin. Hard. He sucked in a breath and fell over hugging himself. He rocked and sobbed. Damn it, fucking child! To my horror, my mate flew down the stairs and came to Edwards aid. Just as my remorse was setting in, it was replaced by rage. Edward threw off Bella's hands and stood to face me.

''How dare you handle her like that! '' I snarl, as a rumbling emitted from my throat.

''She betrayed me for you! ''he cried out as his growl was low and threatening.

That's it, in a blink of an eye I had Edward by the throat in a vice grip as he swung his fist back to strike me in the face. Then, out of the corner of my eye, Bella did the unthinkable and darted in between us.

''Please stop! Don't kill each other! I'm alright! It's OK, Caius. ''She said softly to me, as her big brown eyes swam with tears.

Bella reach for my face, trying to force me to look at her. ''Caius listen to me. No harm was done. Let him go. ''I blinked twice as her message sunk in, then I began to relax.

I darted my eyes back and forth between the two and slowly released Edwards neck. I couldn't handle the waves of emotion coming off Bella, it was like a heat rising off the blazing flame. Reluctantly, I gave in to her request. I watched as Edward flitted off to the house and out of sight. I didn't know how to feel and was speechless. I put my arm around her shoulders and rubbed her back. I looked at all the others of the group and said my apologies then walked Bella to the car.

''I was so frightened, Caius. ''

''Please forgive me, I didn't mean to. My only thought was to defend my mate. ''

''I wasn't frightened of you, but I was frightened for you. ''She confessed Shyly.

I stopped and turned her to me. I had to see it in her eyes, not just hear her concern for me and it was there. My heart soared. She came to my arms and laid her head against my chest. I could stay forever just drinking in her scent and absorbing her human warmth. She smiled up weakly and cupped my face. Her hand slid gently into my hair and pulled me down for a kiss. She seared away my anger and pain with her soft hot lips. Then all too soon she drew back.

''Take me home, Caius. I think I had enough excitement for one day and please will you stay with me? ''

''Yes, my mate I will. ''

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