Chapter 70 - Catching cold

Start from the beginning

"C'mon baby, your dressed to kill. We wanna have some fun," one guy walks up to me. The coldness flees into my fists, I never feel them in a fight until later. 

"Noah," Tommy warns.

I see her face, believing in me, backing me, teasing me. I'm far from being a 'yabby' right now. Closing my eyes for a second I let the moment when she is walking up the road to 'prove it' to me replay, the way she looked so innocent but daring. The feel of her heart racing against me, the way she bit her lip. She's worth it.

I force my body in the direction of Tommy's, he nods with an encouraging smile. It's one of the hardest walks of my life, every cell wants me to fight. It's like trying to halt a wave, I'm amazed I'm succeeding. In reality the only thing stopping me letting loose is that I'd do anything to make sure I see her again.

Tuning out from their jeers I mentally push myself to drag one foot down in front of the other. I'm so stressed and pent up that my body is literally warring my brain to let it indulge itself. My heart wants Avalon. It's getting stronger with every step I take. Something inside of me revels in the fact that I'm avoiding confrontation. It's satisfied.

They go on and on, their voices getting stronger and stronger as they close the distance. My breathing becomes slow. If someone ever talked to Avalon like this I would rip his tongue from his head. If that Cayden guy ever dares to show his face around here, I will break every bone in his body and then skin him. My anger heats up just thinking about him, I have to shove the thought of him near Av from my mind. I seek the deadness of that place to help me.

Tommy looks half shocked but mostly relieved as I find his eyes.

I can do this.

Then one grabs at the one thing they shouldn't. Av's bikini top.


  "I'm not sure what's gotten in to everyone tonight but it's pretty crowded in there mate, you may want to take that off," the cop nods at the bikini top on my chest now splattered with blood. "You won't be getting into court tomorrow that's for sure. Big back log."

Great. The way I feel now it's like I've lost everything, that her top is all I have in this world. Gently, I reach behind me and struggle to undo it. The cop raises his hand to help but drops it to his side at me warning glare. I slip it over my head and bunch the soft fabric in my hands. The cop raises an eyebrow and then leads me to the  busy cell, indicating for me to enter.

I don't bother looking at anyone, I'm too gone to care. If I hadn't screwed up before, I am royally screwed now. There's a huge chance I'll go inside now for a long time.

I've lost her. All for some drunk arseholes, I've lost her.

I react the only way I know how, I find that cold place and venture deep down into its depths, further than I have ever been before. The sweet numbess floods my entire being and I feel myself shutting down every wisp of emotion, every dream and every thought of being with her. My feelings are locked tighter than this cell.

I'm colder than this cell. I have to be to survive what's waiting for me behind bars.

Seth POV

I wake suddenly as my arm reaches in a daze to grip my bedroom wall. The earth is shaking and rumbling. Even though I've never experienced one, my foggy brain is screaming Earthquake. Instead of finding a wall my hand grips something else, I open my eyes to see my fingers firmly gripped around Outlaw's leg.

He raises his face from a bucket and turns to me, he doesn't look like he will attack me but he doesn't look totally amused either. I let it go hastily, rolling away from him just in case. Av spent half the night teaching me how to read simple horse body language. I check his ears, they aren't laid back, but he does swish his sparse tail. I'm uncertain what that combination means, so I don't move. He blows a puff of air out of his nose and then allows his head to disappear into the bucket again. I can hear his lips shuffling whatever is in there around.

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