The Legolas Scene pt.1

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The set is located outside, where it is sunny, and has an abandoned feel to it. There is a river with a mighty oak tree near it, surrounded by lots of grass.

(Aranell) Tara: *Takes deep breath* *Walks onto set sadly. Looks around, nobody's there.* ...I can't believe this... Legolas is... *Falls onto knees, in front of the river. Looks at her reflection and "sees" Legolas* *She throws a rock in the water and starts crying lying on the tree's trunk*

A magnificent moose with enormous antlers then comes up the path and stops behind her. Lee Pace dismounts the animal.

Thranduil: *Strides up to her* Legolas is what?

Aranell: *Gasps and gets up* *Wipes tears away* *Bows* My lord I am sorry for I did not see you....

Thranduil: *Raises eyebrow* *Takes step towards her* *Stern tone* What happened to my son?

Aranell: ....*Tears form in her eyes.* *Covers mouth* He.... *Chokes on words*

Thranduil: *Frowns* Aranell... *Comes closer*

Aranell: *Backs up to tree* No! My lord I have failed you and your kin. Legolas is gone because of me!!! I do not deserve your pity! *Turns her back to him*

Thranduil: *Speaks quietly* Aranell... 

Aranell: My lord, I have tried. I tried my absolute hardest to save him... *Sniffles* But I failed. Failed miserably... And for that I cannot even begin to express how sorry I am. I have no more right to live than the terrible Orc who took Legolas' life.*Slides down on tree and places head on her knees*

Thranduil: *Looks hurt* *Turns around to moose, walks away, then stops* Aranell, no. I am sorry. I have known that Legolas fancied you from the start... But I chose to ignore it. I watched you fall for him and his devilishly good looks obviously inherited from his father. *Clears throat* It was obvious he was willing to die for you the moment he laid eyes on you... And he did as you protected eachother.  I watched as it tormented you, making sure your feelings didn't get in the way of your duties, you were miserable and struggling yet I still chose no action to separate you two. I am the reason for your pain... And his suffering. I am responsible. And for that, I will always be the sorry one. *Walks back to Aranell* *Croutches down with an apologetic expression* You know he loved you.

Aranell: ...And I him... I never really told him how I felt, I just kept pushing him away. *Sniffles* We drove each other crazy...

Thranduil: *Sad sad smile* But that's what love is. He even went so far as to ask me for my blessing to pledge himself to you, one of my very best guards. *Super sad smile* Honestly I was on the verge of saying yes despite it all... *Caresses her cheek* You would have made a wonderful bride for my son. *Kisses her forehead*

Aranell: *Jaw drops and a heartbroken expression appears*

Thranduil: *Wipes away one of her tears, and then one of his* *Sad tone*....I will leave you alone to grieve.... *Slowly gets up and sadly rides off to his ElvenKing Halls*

Aranell: *Tear rolls down cheek* *Hold her chest where her heart is and places her head against the tree*  *Looks up at the sky and shakes head  miserably* *Cries*...I'm so stupid...

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