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In Tara's dressing room.

Tara and Elijah are lounging around in pj's lying on separate couches eating grapes and watching Conan.

Tara: *eats grape* Eli do you think Orlando loves me yet?

Elijah: Nah but I love you. *throws grape in the air*

Tara: *groans* That's cause your my best friend. That doesn't count. *throws grape at him*

Elijah: True. *catches it in his mouth.* Thank you.

Tara: *groans again* Why can't he just love me already?

Elijah: *cackles* *sits up and looks at her* Wait are you actually serious?

Tara: *nods* Yes.

Elijah: *laughs hysterically* Hahaha oh my god no. For real!? Ahahahahaha!!!! *falls off couch*

Tara: >~< Not funny! *throws pillow at him*

Elijah: *keeps laughing*

Tara: Ugh whatever. Maybe I'd have a better shot with Johnny Depp. I mean look at him. *looks at tv.* He's so awesome.

Elijah: *laughs 10x harder* Ha!!! Yeah no. Maybe Gollum!!!!!! Bwahahahahahha! *starts crying*

Tara: *sighs* Ok whatever. I'm leaving before I see you pee yourself. You can stay as long as you want... Just don't eat all my chocolate. I mean it.

Elijah: *tries to calm down. Fails miserably. Starts rolling on ground laughing*

Tara: *sad annoyed tone* See ya. *walks outside* Ugh! *Kicks a crushed orange crush pop can.* Stupid crush.

Orlando: What's wrong with Crushes?

Tara: *turns to him sitting on a bench* *eyes turn to slits* *raises eyebrow* Are you onto me or something?

Orlando: *raises eyebrow back* No?

Tara: *sighs* I know your lying man. You know don't you?

Orlando: *grins* Yes, wanna talk about it?

Tara: *hangs head* ...Fine

Orlando: *smiles* *pats spot on bench beside him.*

Tara: *grumbles* This is so weird. *sits down.*

Orlando: Now, *puts arm over her shoulder* how you feeling?

Tara: *slight fangirl squeal* *clears throat*  Oh um... Alright I guess.

Orlando: Come on. *shakes her a little.* I can tell when people lie to me.

Tara: Oh really ya me too-

Orlando: Tara, your stalling.

Tara: No I'm not....

Orlando: Yeah you- Okay that's besides the point. I heard you like-

Tara: Y-

Orlando: Johnny Depp

Tara: *Chokes* *jumps up* WHAT!!?!??!

Orlando: 0.0


Orlando: *smirks* So it's true? Cause I can set you up with him. I do have his number in my phone ya know.

Tara: *crosses arms* Ha yeah you wish. I like someone else sucker.

Orlando: *stands up* *smiles* Ooooh who? *Puts both hands on Tara's shoulder*

Tara: O.O *dies inside* *gets nervous and stutters*  I-  I uh- ....Um I like.... I like grapes.

Orlando: *raises eyebrow*

Elijah: *bursts open dressing room door and walks outside laughing* *yells* WOOT WOOT!!!!! THE ORLA SHIP HAS SET SAIL!!!!!! ....Or is it Tarlando? HEY IF YOU GUYS KISS I'M GONNA PUKE!!!!!


Elijah: Maybe....

If She Ever Met Orlando Bloom [DISCONTINUED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu