Valentines Day

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Tara: *Calls Orlando* Happy Valentines day!!!

Orlando: Thanks! -Now who is this?

Tara: *Gasps* Tara! Duh.

Orlando: Ohhhh. Well then happy Valentines day!

Tara: So, what did ya get me!?

Orlando: 0.o Excuse me?

Tara: You didn't get me anything!? But I'm your Valentine!

Orlando: .....Says who?

Tara: Says I.

Orlando: You should really get a boyfriend or something you are crazy.

Tara: I have a boyfriend!

Orlando: ¤-¤ *Sarcastic tone* Really?

Tara: Oh yeah totes 4 realzz. *Miranda sings voice* I have a lotta baes.

Orlando: Oh my god... Okay who? 

Tara: *Takes deep breath* Elijah, Aidan, Sean, Sean Bean, Andy, Viggo, Gollum, Billy, Dom, PJ, Ian, Ed Sheeran, Martin Freeman, LEE PACE!!! Richard Armitage, Dean O'Gorman, Oh did I mention Aidan? And you. ^.^

Orlando: Dear lord. T, as flattered as I am, I am going to need to be very weirded out by this.

Tara: That's okay. Take your time.

Orlando: ....

Tara: Okayloveyoubyyyyee! *hangs up*

Orlando: ....

Tara sneaks around and puts a little card under everyone's door.

Tara is slipping a thing under Elijah's door.

Elijah: *Walks to his door* What ya doing?

Tara: Ah! *Falls over* -Geezus what the frodo, frodo! You scared meeeeh!

Elijah: *Snickers* Ha.

Tara: -.- *Gets up.* Well if you must know, I am giving everyone invitations to a Valentines day party I arranged. *Proud retarded grin*

Elijah: Sweet where at?

Tara: *Sarcastic tone* Dollarama where do you think? Go check. *points to his trailer door*

Elijah: *Sighs* Okay. *Unlocks door, opens it, picks up invitation* Oh a heart. How original. *Smirks*

Tara: *Grins, crosses arms*  It's blue so it's cool.

Elijah: Ugh your so lame. But I love you dorkus.

Tara: *laughs* Ha I know. *Evil grin* Your pretty cool too. You remind me of a jigglypuff.

Elijah: ?

Tara: *smiles* Peace out. *Runs off.*  Hey Aidan!!!???

Tara runs to Aidan's trailer.

Tara: *Knocks* 

Aidan: *Opens door* Hey! I got your invite!

Tara: I know I put it there.

Aidan: ... Okay so what's up?

Tara: I need help. I need you to help me. Like I need major assistance... Assistance would be nice. I need major major major-

Aidan: -Okay okay I'll help... But with what?

Tara: I actually don't have any food for the party...

Aidan: *Facepalm* What even? How does this-

Tara: -I know I was so hungry! I mean I had food. Especially chocolates. Lots of chocolates! But then I ate it all!

Aidan: ...... How does one.... I mean-  So you.... What?!

Tara: I know I'm fat get over it.

Aidan: No your not.

Tara: I know.

Aidan: ....Umm???

Tara: So can you help!?

Aidan: *Sighs* Yeah.

Tara: Great! To the store! *Grabs his hand* Oh by the way I have no money.

Aidan: Oh joy.


Everyone shows up to the party at a cool restaurant Tara rented out for the day.

Everyone is there dancing or eating pizza.

Orlando: So how'd you manage to buy the place out for the night?

Tara: *grins* I know people.

Orlando: Well the food is great!

Aidan: *Smiles proudly while walking over*

Tara: Thanks. I had some help.

Aidan: Hey guys!

Orlando: Hey man.

Tara: *laughs, jumps into a hug* Thank you so much!

Aidan: Woah! *awkwardly hugs back* No problem!

Tara: *Jumps down*

Orlando: *Smiles*

Aidan: *Starts to boogie*

Tara: *Laughs* What are you doing?

Orlando: ..... 0.o

Aidan: *Smirks* Wanna  dance?

Tara: *Shrugs* Sure why not.

Aidan: *Grabs Tara's hand, spins her around*

They walk away dancing like physcos

Tara: Oh my god Aidan no.

Aidan: What!?


Tara: Your not seriously twerking.

Aidan: Yes I am.

Tara: Oh my lord. Oh stop man.

Aidan: Ha fine. *Spins around* Are those chicken wings!? *Walks away*

Tara: Get me some!

Orlando: *Swoops in* Hey.

Tara: Hey Bloom!

Orlando: *Scratches head* Okay, I did get you something.

Tara: Really!?

Orlando: yeeep. *hands her rose*

Tara: *Grabs it.* Awe that's so sweet thanks!

Orlando: *Grins* Go on, smell it!

Tara: ....? *sniffs flower* *Water splurts into her face* Ah! *Coughs*

Orlando: *Snickers*

Tara: Yo!

Orlando: *smiles* I knew you'd love it. *Kisses cheek* Happy Valentines day...

Tara: *covers mouth* oh... my... g- *falls down*

If She Ever Met Orlando Bloom [DISCONTINUED]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat