To Isengard

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Tara: Guys we need a major flash mob at the end of this movie.

Liv: Oh that's sounds fun!

Dom: Yeah that does!

Tara: *shrugs* See I'm a genius.

Sean A: To what song?

Tara: Hmmm... I actually dunno... I'll think of something.

Ian: Oh this'll be good. *thumbs up*

Tara: Yep.

Later that day

Director: Action!

Actor: Legolas, what do your elf eyes see?

Orlando: [says other stuff] They're taking the Hobbits to Isengard!!!!

Tara: HOLD UP!!!!!! *walks in on the hill*

Director: Cuuuuttttt!!!! TARA!

Orlando: Wait T? What the heck!? How'd you get up here?

Tara: *shrugs* Dunno. Anyway, what did you just say!?!?!?

Orlando: They're taking the Hobbits to Isengard?

Tara: *gasp* *yells to helicopter* ANDY DROP THAT BEAT!!!!

Andy (Serkis):  *literally drops a pair of beats by Dr. Dre out of the chopper*

Tara: *facepalms* No play me a beat!

Andy: *thumbs up* *starts beat boxing something like:

Dun dun dun dun dun dun duuuuhh. Dun dun dun dun dun dun duh dadada. Dun da da da dada da da da. Do do do do do. Dunuhnuhnuhnuhnuhnuu*


Orlando: 0.o ....Ummm... T? What are you doing?


Orlando: *Covers ears.* Ah gah no that's not singing!!!!!

Tara: *frowns* But this'll be a total internet sensation.

Andy: *stops* Oooohhhh....

Elijah: Whaaaaaaat? *walks over*

Orlando: What the!? How'd you get up here!?

Elijah: *shrugs* You can't go dissing ma main man Tara over here.

Tara: *waves* Um hi, hello? Girl.

Orlando: *raises eyebrow*

Elijah: *Walks over to Tara. Places arm over her shoulder* Anyway, that shouldn't matter, she is awesome. And your being a party pooper.

Tara: *nods*

Orlando: ....

Elijah: *smirks* Now go kiss and make up. *pushes Tara to Orlando*

Tara:  *falls and trips*

Orlando: *catches*

Tara: Wooaaapp! Eli!!!! I am so mad right now!!!! *growls* LET ME AT HIM!!!!!

Orlando: *holds her off the ground from behind by the stomach so she can't run and kill Elijah.*

Elijah: *grins* Your welcome.

Tara: *keeps on kicking*

Orlando: Tara Tara Tara chill okay. *Sets her down and hugs her* Calm down mate.  You good now?

Tara: *Almost faints* Omg......*nods* ....I think I'm gonna faint... *runs over to Elijah*

Elijah: *runs down hill with Tara while laughing.* That was hilarious. *elbows her*

Tara: *chuckles sarcastically* Yeah thanks.

Later that day, Tara is dancing in her dressing room yelling into hair brushes, singing random songs on the radio, then Problem comes on

Tara: Oh oh I can rap this part!!!! *clears throat* Uh it's Iggy Igz! Uh watchu got! Smart money bettin' I'd be better off without you! In no time I'd be forgettin' all about you, you saying that you know, but I really really doubt you. Understand my life is easy when I ain't around you. Iggy Iggy no biggy to be here stressin' I'm thinkin' I love the thought of you more than I love your presence and the best thing now, is probably for you to exit. I let you go let you back, I finally learn my lesson- *gasps and falls on floor* OH NOOOOOO!!!!!

(Tara saw Orlando through her window walk towards her door)

Orlando: *knocks* Tara!?

Tara: *gulps*

Orlando: ...C'mon I know your in there!

Tara: I'm not here!     .....*facepalm*

Orlando: Uh yeah you are....

Tara: *sniffles* Ugh fine. Coming. *Opens door* Hi.

Orlando: *grins* Hi. Can I come in?

Tara: -.- Whatever.

Orlando: *walks in* Are you sad?

Tara: NO! ...I'm just hurt. *Crosses arms*

Orlando: *Copies and crosses arms too* Well that's basically the same thing.

Tara: *Sits down* So.

Orlando: So I'm sorry.

Tara: ...It's not your fault you don't like me.

Orlando: Why would you say that? You are totally awesome.

Tara: Yeah right.

Orlando: *Sits down beside her* Look, your the best. Your awesome, sweet, cool, and super hilarious.

Tara: I'm also annoying.

Orlando: *Laughs* That too... But your also a great friend. *Hugs*

Tara: 0.0

Orlando: Okay, *Smirks* *Kisses cheek* *Gets up* goodnight T. *Stops at door* *Laughs* ...Don't tell Elijah I kissed you or he'll kick me all the way to Isengard. Oh and nice singing.

Tara: *Watches Orlando leave and door close* ......*slaps cheek* Oh my god.

If She Ever Met Orlando Bloom [DISCONTINUED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ