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Bonjour, my lovely readers. Continue below for an update as to why I have been absent so frequently.

I have not a clue as to what to write. Yes, I admitted that I have run deep into the abyss of writer's block.

However, I have been caught up with school and such. Just recently I took a test in my science class, and had to switch my last two classes, which was a very tedious period of time.

I'm afraid that my agenda has been slightly packed.

I want to make a personal apology to one specific person. I am truly sorry that I have not written to you, TheOfficialFreakshow . I have been procrastinating, and don't ask me why because I honestly don't have the foggiest. I don't even have a good reason as to why I never even thought to pick up a pen and paper. I hope you can forgive me, and as soon as this is posted I will begin my letter to you.

On the subject of this Imagines book, I would be grateful if you could throw out some ideas for me. I could write one for you, if it's what you would like. I am still open to any and all requests you have for me.

Thank you hanging in there for me, I truly appreciate it. Again, suggestions for imagines and/or preferences are encouraged, and my greatest apology to TheOfficialFreakshow .

- Mikayla

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