disconnected. (Clifford)

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You had been to a few concerts before, but there was something about this particular one that got you beyond excited. You've seen Taylor Swift, you've seen One Direction, so going to a concert isn't new to you.

The first time you saw 5 Seconds of Summer was when you were going to see a One Direction concert. They were the opening act, and you'd only ever glanced at their covers on YouTube. They were good on, you knew that, but seeing them live struck something inside you. You went home at one in the morning, spending the rest of the night looking up anything and everything the internet had to offer about 5 Seconds of Summer.

You knew there were four. Luke was the lead singer and guitarist. He was blonde and blue-eyed, and also the youngest. There was Calum, the bassist who had dark hair and brown eyes. And Michael, the other guitarist, who always changed the color of his hair and always had a smile on his face. Then there was Ashton, the oldest of them all and the drummer. He had blonde, curly hair and hazel eyes. They're all attractive, that much was true, and the first song of theirs that you fell in love with was Try Hard.

At first, you had a thing for Ashton. He was bubbly and tall, something you like in a guy. You always had your eyes on Ashton, even after your best friend ended up liking him as well. There were times where you would look at the other ones and feel the same way you felt when you looked at Ashton, but it never lasted long.

Then you looked at Michael. It wasn't the first time you've strayed from liking Ashton and moved to Michael, but it was the first time where you would look back at Ash and feel nothing. Your views had changed, surprisingly, and you started to think about Michael too often. You were one to get attached to things too quickly, not like a clingy girlfriend, but you fell in love too fast and too easily. So when you found that you gravitated towards Michael, it was kind of shocking at first. You never questioned it though, because your liking for him only ever got stronger.

The next year, you went to another One Direction concert. You were excited to see that 5 Seconds of Summer would be opening up for One Direction once again. However, you left home too late and got caught in traffic on the way to the stadium. The only chance you got to hear 5SOS was when you were pulling up to the stadium, still in your car. You had rolled your window down just to listen to them again, feeling like they were so close to you. You could hear them singing their latest single, She Looks So Perfect.

That same year, for Christmas, you received tickets to another concert. Only these tickets weren't to go see One Direction. They were for 5 Seconds of Summer. You had heard about their upcoming tour, Rock Out With Your Socks Out, and secretly yearned to go. Now you had your chance.

The next year passed by quickly, and soon enough, you were on your way to the concert you've been waiting for. All you could think about was Michael and how close you would be to him. There would no longer be miles between you two, no more countries blocking your view of him.

Your friends never found out about your liking of Michael. You never wanted to tell them. They didn't like Michael because he wasn't like any of the other boys, but that's exactly one of the reasons why you adore him. They like Luke and Ashton, but you like the odd man out. You had no problem liking Michael, but they would, and you wouldn't dare tell them anything.

You took your seats in the large, open stadium and waited for Hey Violet to open. Their band was rather good, considering the opening act isn't ever as good as the actual performance, but then again, that's exactly how you fell in love with 5 Seconds of Summer.

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