for: TheOfficialFreakshow

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The amount of people that were present was rather alarming, and it caused quite a panic inside you. However, you wouldn't back down from your place as Maid of Honor. Denise needed you to be at the wedding, she said she wouldn't have it any other way.

But now that you are witnessing all the people converse and laugh, you realized that you barely knew anybody there.

"Oh, you're here!" Denise shouted, pushing through the crowd of girls that surrounded her to get to her best friend. "You've got to jump into your dress."

You smiled, nodding. Denise led you upstairs where the bridesmaid dresses waited. All the girls were excited and happy, but you were nervous and anxious.

Even though they went through rehearsal the day before, you were quite afraid of messing up. What if you tripped down the aisle? What if your partner was absent and you had to walk alone? After all, he wasn't at the rehearsal, so he very well may be gone.

Soon, your hair was curled and makeup was done. You slipped into the long red dress, and then pulled on your heels. You couldn't stop your hands from shaking, but you did your best to hide your nerves, for the sake of Denise.

"Oh, look at all his fans gathering outside," one of the bridesmaids tutted.

Denise laughed. "Don't worry about them. As long as they don't get themselves injured, they're fine."

You were confused. Fans? If they were here for the wedding, wouldn't they come in?

A knock on the door caused all the girls to squeal and rush about to cover themselves. One of them pulled the door open, but you couldn't see who was on the other side.

"It's almost time," you heard him say. "Tell your girls to hurry up."

A pair of bright blue eyes peeked over the bridesmaid's head, resulting in her smacking him.

"Oi, get on Niall!" she shouted, causing all the other girls to tell him off for trying to sneak a look at the women.

A loud laugh was heard before the door was slammed and the girls resumed their dressing.

Five minutes later, you were being led out of the room by Denise's father, and down to the chapel where she would be getting married.

You were lined up in your order, you being the first in line. The boys were yet to arrive, and you were kind of glad that things were being delayed. But as soon as the thought entered your mind, the boys entered the hall.

They were immediately paired with a certain girl. A blonde boy popped up next to you, dancing with excitement. You had to admit, it was quite amusing to watch.

"I'm Niall," he said, smirking as he caught you staring. "Best Man."

"Nice to meet you, Niall," you replied, resuming to tell him your name. "Maid of Honor."

"Oh, important," he chuckled, offering you his arm as the music started on the other side. "You look nervous."

The doors opened and you two began walking down the aisle.

"Thanks for noticing," you whispered, trying to be as discreet as possible. Everyone was watching you now.

"You're welcome," he replied. "I couldn't help but notice you're beautiful appearance."

"You're a charmer. Thank you."

"I get that a lot."

"Player, too then? Surprising, you don't look like one."

"Cause I'm not."

You went to the left as he went to the right, separating you two for the rest of the ceremony. Of course, that didn't stop Niall from making silly faces at you, making you smile. Some faces he made almost caused you to laugh aloud, but you prevented yourself from doing so.

Just an hour later, and Greg and Denise were officially married. You took a private limo to the reception, along with all the other bridesmaids.

The reception hall was equally as busy as the chapel, but you found yourself easing up to the idea of partying. These people are Irish, they drink and they party and they laugh. How could you not have a good time?

You sat at the long table in front of the room, in between Denise and Niall. It was quite amusing the whole time you were eating. Niall would play with his food as if he were a little kid, but nonetheless scarfed down the three meals.

The dancing bit came sooner than you were expecting.

You sat at an empty table, watching Niall jig with his mother and then twirling his grandmother. You smiled at the sight, wishing that your family could have made it.

Niall caught your eye, making you jump. He laughed, waving you over. You were reluctant to step onto the dance floor, but sucked it up and jogged over to Niall.

"Stop moping around and dance!" he shouted over the music, grabbing your hands and pulling you along. "Don't be a downer!"

You shrugged and went along with his rapid steps, allowing him to lead you. Suddenly, a slow song came on, and you blushed. Niall didn't waste any time in pulling you closer and putting his hands on your hips. You continued blushing, wrapping your arms around his shoulders.

Although Niall was a stranger, you felt comfortable with him. He had a kind personality that allowed you to be yourself. It was refreshing.

"Will I be seeing you after this?" he asked, looking down at you as you danced to the beat of the calming music.

"Well, I'm going to be in America, and I'm assuming you live here, so-"

"I'll be seeing you, then."

You furrowed your eyebrows. "You live in America?"

He laughed. "No, I don't. Do you really not know who I am?"

You shook your head, but something told you that you already knew.

"Niall Horan from One Direction," he smiled.

"Oh," was all you said, because you were shocked that you didn't notice. That would explain the crowd of girls that Denise and the bridesmaid were talking about.

"That doesn't mean you have to treat me any different than you have been," he said.

"No, of course," you assured. "Niall, the normal guy I met at my best friend's wedding."

He grinned, twirling you around the dance floor.

Your suspicions about not having a good time diminished, because Niall made it all better. He was infectious, and you really did hope that you would see him again.

for: TheOfficialFreakshow

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