Their Departure

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It was only 30 minutes until Bilbo regained consciousness, and I sprung up to see how he was doing.

"Hey you passed out, are you alright?" I knelt down to him on the couch. He looked tired.

"Yeah I think so," he said.

"Wait no, I don't think so. Actually yeah I'm alright," he was unsure of himself, and it was understandable, considering the fact that he just found out that his best friend is alive again.

"Bilbo we must go back," Gandalf said as he steadily walked towards us.

"Yes we do," Bilbo said as he took a long deep breath.

"Now." Gandalf said sternly.

"Up up up! Get your things, thank Miss YN. And we need to be on our way," Gandalf said rushing Bilbo up from the couch.

"Now?" Bilbo asked as he glanced at me.

"Yes now!" Gandalf said.

"But I-" Bilbo said as he looked at me, as if he wanted to say something.

"It's fine Bilbo, you need to leave," I said to him. He had this worried look on his face as he looked into my eyes.

"Alright," he said and rushes to the room to grab his belongings.

"I will be outside waiting!" Gandalf said.

"And thank you Miss YN. I'm grateful for your understanding," he said as he nodded down. And I smile and nodded back.

"Of course," I said as Gandalf left my house.

Bilbo came running down the hall, and changed into the clothes he first came in. My heart was beating fast, it felt like he has only just arrived. He walked over to me.

"I am sorry that I have to leave so suddenly. But I'm going to take this as a chance to tell you," he looked down and played with a loose thread on his shirt.

"To tell you-"
"To tell you that," I looked at him as he tried to get whatever he was trying to say. Should I tell him how I feel? I shook my head at the thought.

I hoped he would say something that would tame my restless feelings.

"I am thankful for all that you've done for me. A bed, food, shelter, and I'm sorry that I won't be wearing those clothes we bought," he said shyly.

"It was my pleasure," I said with a smile.

"I will miss you," I managed to get out, but it wasn't exactly what I wanted to say.

He opened the door, and then turned back around to me.

"I will miss you too," he said with a smile and then looked away.

"Hurry up now!" Gandalf said.

"I'm here I'm here!" I heard through the closed door. And they were off.

My house was quiet, and empty. Loneliness swept my heart, it felt like I was sinking into a hole. I already missed his company.

"What do I do now?" I said softly to myself.

I collected the books and brought them to my bedroom, where I laid down on my bed. Looking at the blank ceiling, with the only hing I could hear was my breathing. I moved to this house, for a quiet life, for inspiration, but now the only thing I long for is excitement, for someone to love. I turned to my side and looked at the books, I grabbed The Hobbit, and sat up. I opened the page, and felt rush of emotion through my blood. It was a light feeling, inside my bones and my head, actually it was a numb feeling.

I read the first page to myself, and had flashbacks to the day Bilbo arrived. Drenched head to toe, shivering at my doorsteps. I imagined his face, his innocent looking eyes, and his smile. The smile that made me bunch up in joy, the way his eyes quilted and his ears perked up. His curly brown hair, and his concern for me.

I felt a tear from my eye form. It walked along my left cheek and splashed on to the book. Then more after, and more and more. They feel off my cheeks, and I had that lump in my throat and knot in my stomach. I wiped my eyes with my pillow, and told myself to stop.

"This is ridiculous," I said aloud.

Why am I crying? Why do I miss him so much? Why do I feel this way? What even is this?

I looked out the window, it was dark, and then I saw my eyes were red and puffy, and rolled them.

I guess I'll go to bed, it's no use to feed off my negative energy. Right as I pulled the covers over my head, there was a knock at the door.

I sprang up in some fear and some hope, I ran to the door, and opened it quickly.

"I-I. I want you. I want you to come," Bilbo said out of breath.

"I was thinking," he continued.

"You have read my story, you know some things about me," he said.

"And I have decided that," his were in his knees and he was looking up at me.

"I want you to be in my story," he said, and smiled.

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