Bilbo's Heroism

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"YN I'll help ya up on your pony," Bofur called me over.

Everyone was up and ready to move on to wherever we were going. I looked around at all the dwarves mounting on their ponies, Bilbo had his own horse this time, so we wouldn't be sharing one like last night.

"Up you go!" Bofur said as he pushed me feet up.

I looked behind me and saw Bilbo struggling to mount his pony, I couldn't help but laugh.

"Not this again! I thought I had grown taller," Bilbo said and saw that I had been watching him and smiled and laughed.

"Let's get going everyone," Thorin said loudly.

"Where are we going," I asked.
He didn't say anything but proceeded to tap his pony and go on.
Did he not hear me? Or was he ignoring me?

"We're going to Rivendell," Balin said, noticing that Thorin didn't answer my question.

"We're basically repeating this entire journey again," Filli shouted from the back of the line.

"Let's hope not," Bilbo said grimly.
He looked worried and pale, looking aimlessly in front of him. It made me sad and curious to what he was thinking about.

"So we are going to them to ask for assistance?" I asked openly.

"Well we-" Balin started but Thorin cut in.

"We are only going there, because Gandalf said to," he said distastefully.
I didn't want to speak after that, I felt a little shut down.


We had to have been riding for at least 3 hours, and it has been quite boring. I looked back at Bilbo, he hadn't talked much the entire way, and still stared out blankly.

I wanted to talk to him, and asked what was wrong, but I don't know if right now was a good time.

I noticed something in the distance while I was looking back. I squinted my eyes, and then they widened.

I hit Bofur's arm trying to get his attention, "Is-is that-?" I couldn't even speak.

"What? What is it-" he looked back at what I was looking at, and soon everyone was.

"Go! GO!" Thorin shouted, and the ponies started running by the demand of our tapping heels.

A group of orcs riding some wargs were chasing us.

"We really are repeating this bloody hell!" Bofur said as we all rode quickly.

I had a horse when I was younger, so I wasn't discouraged by the pony's rigorous jolts. My pony was actually one of the faster ones.

"Thorin what should we do?" Filli shouted.

Thorin looked caught off guard, like he didn't know what to do but was trying to put on a front as if he did.

I looked around and saw the last bridge. I knew the middle earth maps very well, better than my own town.

Our best chance would to take cover in Trollshaws, I needed to speak up.

"We should go over the Last Bridge, and into the Trollshaws!" I shouted to Thorin, as my pony was catching up to his.

He looked at me surprised that I knew where we were.

"No we ride past the bridge and past the shaws straight to Rivendell!" He shouted back, almost arguing with me.
I looked back, the orcs were catching up.

"Are you kidding me? That will take too long Thorin! We might bump into trolls but we'll have foliage to hide and engage in combat! And you have to go over the bridge! Or else you'll end up in Bruinen!" I said.

"Thorin! I think YN is right! Listen to her!" Bofur shouted in back of us.

Thorin inhaled deeply and shouted, "Everyone make over the last bridge and into the Trollshaws!"

I was riding next to Thorin, we were going so fast, my blood was pumping furiously. I felt like a character in a Tolkien story.

I looked behind me for Bilbo, he was okay but he had this scared and worried expression on his face.

I saw one of the orcs pulling ahead of the others, he wasn't close to us. He pulled out something behind him, a bow and arrow?

He drew it back and put the arrow in, I had a horrified look on my face.

"Watch out he's got an arrow!" I said to the others in the back.

The Orc shot the arrow, it didn't come close but he took another out. His face was ugly, and scarred, and expressed this evil energy in his eyes. He looked crazed and ready to kill.

I looked forward just to check one where we were, and made a note of where we were again, in case I needed to make a sudden decisions.

Then right as I looked back the arrow was in the air already, going faster than the last. In its path was Dori, and Bilbo.

"Bilbo!" I shouted, and he jolted his horse to the right.

"No!" Dori shouted.

I looked back and his horse had an arrow inside it back leg, it began to limp, and slow down. Dori was struggling to control him, for the horse was badly wounded.

"Thorin!" I said, and he looked back.
I did too and saw that Bilbo turned his horse around to help him. We were so ahead of them now, and the orcs approached closer.

I wanted to scream, they were getting closer to them! I watched Bilbo.

"They will catch up!" Thorin shouted, he was in denial.

"No they won't Thorin!" I shouted. We were still riding quickly.

I glanced back and Bilbo took his horse to the right, away from the pack.

"What is he doing?" I said.
He was heading towards Bruinen. I reached for Dwalins pony, I need at least one weapon on hand with me, and I know he has more than extra.
I grabbed a small thin sword. It was probably the smallest weapon he had ugh!

"I'm going with them!" I shouted before anyone could respond.

Maybe my choice was compulsive, but the only thing that I was thinking of was Bilbo.

"They will catch up to us YN!" Bofur shouted as I departed from the group.

Bilbo was further than me, and I saw that the orc with the arrow broke from pack to chase them.

I was so scared for what was about to come.

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