Slippery Slope

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My horse got closer to them, they hadn't noticed that I was following them. And then Dori turned around, and said, "oh no," making Bilbo turn around as well. He looked angry when he saw me.

"Why would you follow us YN?" He said.

"Because I-" I knew it was a bad idea for me to break away from the safety of the group, my emotions got ahead of my logic.

"That was not a good idea YN, you know better!" Dori scolded me.

"Yes you should know better YN! That is a selfish thing to do!" Bilbo said sternly.

"Selfish? I'm excuse me for wanting to help you, and being the only one to RISK MY LIFE," I said angrily, I was so mad, so mad that they despised me for coming to them. But I got myself in this situation so I may as well find a way out, that was why I came anyway.

I looked back, the crazy eyed Orc was coming fast, and then I saw the rest of the pack chasing the group.

I needed to by us more time, so I looked around for ideas, and maybe a miracle. Bruinen is kind of like a valley, and it is the cliff that would is waiting for us that worries me the most.

I saw that there was a bola hanging from Bilbo's horse, this was too good to be true.

"Dori hand me that," I pointed down to the weapon that hung out of the saddle pouch.

"This? Why do you want an old rag?" He confused the cloth that was also on the saddle.

I shook my head furiously, "No! The thing with the two weights at the end! The bolas!" I said pointing my finger urgently. Bilbo looked back at what we were doing, then I saw his eyes focus on the Orc. It was only a matter of minutes until the wargs catch up to us, including the others. There's no way ordinary ponies can outrun wargs.

Dori reached and tossed them to me, I caught it in my right hand. There was only one of them so I had one shot.

"Here I go," I said softly to myself as I began to swing them in a circular motion above my head. The Orc saw what I was planning to do, and started laughing.

I released them from my hand and watched it fly, oh god was I worried.

"Oh no," Dori said.

It appeared that my throw had come short, and clearly would not hit the Orc.

"Wait," Dori said.

I threw it too high, but I threw it hard enough that it wrapped the warg's two front legs together, tying them up and making the Orc fly off. The warg stopped because his two feet had been tied together.

"Hurrah!" Dori said.

"Hurry head for the cliff," I said.

"Have we got any other choice?" Bilbo said, it seemed like he was annoyed with me.

The Orc knew it couldn't run to us, and started running back to help his warg. The bolas had tightly bounded the legs together, it would buy is just enough time.

Before I knew it we reached the cliff, and our ponies stopped. I was pleasantly surprised to see that the cliff did not have a drastic fall that I thought it'd have. It was slanted enough for us to get down, and there were trees and bushes on it, so there was some friction to help us. But I didn't know if we could take the ponies.

We had to make a decision quick, we all were thinking the same thing.

"We can take the ponies," Bilbo said.

"No we can't, their too large for us to ride, we could flip over from the slope," I said.

"Hurry grab anything that is useful or important," Dori decided and got off the horse to follow his own directions.

I hopped off and grabbed my small pouch and stuck the sword in it, even though it protruded out.

"Let's go!" I said and led the way down the cliff. I back to slide on the dirt and through the foliage. Bilbo and Dori did the same, and tried their best to make it down safely.

My shoes were getting worn by the roughness of the ground. I was mindfully dodge any upward branches from bushes, and any rocks so I would trip over them and fly front first.

"It's getting steeper!" I announced.

"Ouch ouch!" I heard Bilbo say.

"I don't think he's going to chase us!" Dori said.

"What?!" I said not taking my eyes off what was ahead, because we were going down pretty fast.

He said something else but I could not hear him.

"What are you-" I started to say as I turned around. Before I could finish my sentence, I tripped over something and began tumbling down the slope.

"YN!" Bilbo shouted.

I had hit my head on something.

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