My Story Ends with You

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Get your tissues ready you might cry, or scream.

Deans POV

I thought over what Cain said countless times, the words "where my story began, yours will end" rang in my head since I heard them. If his story began from him killing his wife, Colette, who will my story end with?

You can call me oblivious or stupid for not realizing sooner that my story will end with the angel that wore a trench coat.

One look at him with his bed head and I knew, he's the one my story will end with.

Here I stood, fidgeting around getting ready to tell him what Cains words meant. One deep breath and I was ready, then Sam walked in holding his laptop.


After that incident I knew I had to step up my game in telling him. He likes Halloween, so since it's October I decided to decorate the bunker.

"Hey, Cas, can you come help me with these lights?" I asked, looking down from ladder.

"Sure, Dean, but what are these for?" He asked, examining the pumpkin lights.

"Halloween, Cas, I thought since it's your favorite holiday we could decorate the bunker." I said, pointing to all the other decorations.

He looked over and his face immediately lit up. He looked back with me and started bouncing on his heels from excitement.

"That would be amazing!" He yelled happily, looking up at the wall. "Can I use my mojo?"

"No, I thought it'd be more fun to do this the human way." I said, climbing down from my ladder to get another one.

When I walked back into the room where we were stringing up lights, I was met by a shocking sight. Cas lay there, tangled in the lights with a sad look on his face.

"Tell me how you managed this," I chuckled, setting the ladder down to help him. "I was gone for a minute."

"I don't know, Dean, they just attacked me," he said, looking at my confused as to why I was laughing. "What's so funny, Dean?"

"Nothing, Cas, here let me help," I said with a smile, finding somewhere to start untangling him.

It took about five minutes to untangle him, he still was unamused but I found it hilarious. He kept shooting me glares as we hung the lights  on the walls and banisters.

"What now, Dean?" He asked, coming next to me.

"I was thinking we could set up this pumpkin in the corner over there." I said, pointing to the spot under the stairs.

"Under the stairs? No one would see it," he said, looking at me confused.

"No, by it," I said, walking to the spot I was thinking. "Like here."

"Oh, I think that would look nice, Dean," he said, grabbing the box with the inflatable pumpkin.

"I think you're going to like this one," I said with a smile, opening the box.

Once I pulled out the pumpkin and the blower thing he smiled. I looked at him and laughed, plugging in the thing to blow it up.

"Calm down, Cas, you haven't seen it blown up yet." I said, setting in down to blow up.

"What else do you have here?" He asked, walking over to the pile of decorations.

When I remembered what I had put under the pile I quickly stopped him. He looked at me confused and tried to continue digging through the decorations.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2020 ⏰

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