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A/N I've been reading like Alpha and Omega crap so I know a bit about this but in this one Dean is an Alpha and Cas is an Omega and they fuck and mate in an elevator enjoy.

Deans POV

It was another usual day when I was called by the main building that Betas and Omegas worked in. I made my way up to the top floor to fix the back up generator since we had a mass black out the other night the building called telling us about the problem. As I finished I felt my phone vibrating in my pants, "Dean?" The other voice said, it seemed vaguely familiar.

"That is me," I replied as I picked up the correct tools to fix the generator. (I know nothing about how to fix things since I always break them)

"We need you back here, there's a problem with a car and since you're our main mechanic we don't know how to do it." Laffite, my boss, explained. (Don't come at me if I spelled his name wrong I don't know how to spell)

"I'll be there after I fix this generator, the urinal in the men's room is also broken so I'll be there after that as well." I said before clicking the end call button and packing my tool bag as I had finished fixing said generator, I walked down to the fifth floors men's room.

"I'm sorry, is this one being fixed?" A small voice behind me asked as I worked on the pipes.

"Just fixing the pipes here, feel free to use the toilets if you want or go down to the other restrooms." I said pointing to the tools and pipe, by the small of the black haired male he was an Omega.

"Oh, ok, sorry for bugging you," he said in his same small voice.

"No problem," I replied as he smiled and walked out. I continued my work until I finished and headed for the elevator, as I stepped in and the doors were about to close a man yelled for me to hold the doors, which I did.


It was a few minutes into the elevator ride when I heard a small gasp behind me. "You ok?" I asked turning to the other man in the elevator.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he said shyly fumbling with his trench coat.

"Wait, you're from the bathroom, are you sure you're ok?" I asked as he started to slowly stepped into the corner of the elevator.

"You're an Alpha," he said slowly not meeting my eyes.

"Yeah, and you're an Omega," I replied as a scent that I haven't smelled before reached my nose. "An elevator isn't the perfect place to start a your heat."

"Yeah, I know, I wasn't planning on it but being with an Alpha..." he trailed off at the last bit and looked at the elevator buttons.

"Made you start your heat sooner than expected, great," I muttered the last part as I heard a sharp intake of breath.

"You smell nice," he said simply as he strode away from the corner.

"I wasn't aware," I replied as the elevator dinged to the fourth floor which was apparently his stop. "Are you getting off?"

"I'd rather not," he replied softly as he let out a low mewl.

"Oh, well do you wanna go home? I can give you a ride," I replied as the doors closed once more.

"Alpha..." he mewled before trailing off as he gripped my leather jacket in a sort of needy way.

"Woah, dude, I don't even know you," I said throwing a hand up as I stepped away from him.

"Then we can go to dinner after or maybe get some coffee," he said looking at the red button that stopped the elevator.

"Yeah we can do that but I'm not fucking you, you know how Alphas are if we're asked to mark an Omega we do it and I don't want to mark an Omega I've never met." I said as I held onto the elevators railings also eyeing the button, I couldn't deny the feeling of need as I smelled more slick coming from the male before me.

"Just press the button," he mewled staring at it longingly.

"Fine," I growled stepping forward and pressing the red stop button. I walked towards him and gripped him around the waist before bringing my head down to kiss and nip at his neck.

"A-Alpha," he groaned as he gripped my jacket and tilted his head back.

"What is up with insanely unnecessary trench coat?" I growled as I tried removing it.

"It's not...ah...it's not insane it's the appropriate attire for my job," he gasped out as I removed his trench coat and started nipping at his collarbone.

"You explain too much," I grumbled as I fumbled with his belt.

"But that won't stop you from fucking me will it?" He asked as I managed to undo his belt and throw it across he elevator.

"Definitely not," I mumbled as I pressed my lips to his, I could tell this gesture surprised him as he released his grip on my jacket. I sighed and pulled away as I looked at the ground and seized my actions of trying to undress him. "Was that too much?"

"No, get back here," he mumbled as he gripped my neck and pulled me in for another kiss. I smirked and began unbuttoning his pants again, when I got his pants unbuttoned and unzipped I turned him around and and slipped his pants down his legs before I stopped at his boxers and looked up at him as he gave a needy mewl.

"Are you completely sure about this?" I asked as I reached out to twinge his boxers. He gave me a throaty, seductive mewl as I did that and I knew he was consenting me. I smirked and pulled down my pants and boxers before pulling down his boxers that stayed around his ankles along with his pants. (I don't know why but the scene with Dean in the mental hospital where he pulled down his pants and just yelled pudding as he flapped his junk)

Once I got his boxers down I saw that they, along with his pants, were covered in slick. I slipped one of my fingers inside of him causing him to moan, mewl, and writhe beneath me. I smirked and used some of his slick to cover my cock before pressing the tip of my cock inti him.

"Tell me when I can move," I groaned as I sank deeper into him.

"I don't see why I have to seeing as you're already slowly moving into me, but yes, you can move," he said simply, I chuckled and started thrusting at a slow pace. With every moan and groan I earned from him I picked up my pace until I was slamming into him with my hands gripping his sides and leaving red marks where my fingers were placed, I was sure that area would bruise.

"You're so tight," I groaned as I continued slamming into him, he moaned and let out a low mewl of pleasure. As I thrust into him I felt my knot growing and groaned. "Shit, I'm close."

"Me....ah....me too," he moaned as he tried gripping the wall for support.

"Shit, man," I moaned as he mewled, I knew his name since he was the smartest one in the building but I didn't want him to feel like I was a creep.

"Mark me," he moaned as he grabbed the hand rail in the elevator.

"With pleasure," I moaned as I felt my knot edging closer, I leaned down and placed my mouth at his neck and pushed my knot into him as I marked him. We stayed like gay for a few minutes as we waited for my knot to die down before I pulled out of him and wiped my mouth with wide eyes at I had just done, sure I was in control for most of it but when he told me to mark him the wolf in me came out, we put our clothes back on and stared at each other.

"Shit," he mumbled as he felt his neck with regret filling his eyes.

"I know, so how about that cup of coffee?" I asked as I looked down at my feet.

"I'd love that," he said before out his hand. "I'm Castiel by the way."

"I know, I'm Dean," I said as I shook his hand, he looked at me confused as he tilted his head.

"How do you know my name?" He asked curiously as I pressed the button to get the elevator going again.

"You're the smartest one in the building, it'd be rude of me not to know it wouldn't it?" I asked as the elevator dinged the second floor warning.

"I guess so, I'll meet you at the cafe in an hour?" He asked as the elevator opened to the lobby of the building.

"Yeah and clean up that mark," I said pointing to his neck, he nodded and left the building I did the same and drove back to the shop in my impala.

A/N There'll be a part two when I remember to update both of my stories, it may be shitty since I didn't know what I was doing but I hoped you liked it.

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