'I Love You'

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I felt I needed to make a part about the date.


After that fun little risk during lunch Dean walked me to my next class before he went to his class, which was across the hall from my class. With the promise of a little date when I went to his house the day finished slowly, I walked to Dean's car and waited for him.

His cars a black '67 chevy impala he calls baby, it's weird when you first hear him call his car that but you get used to it. "Hey, baby," Dean said, leaning over to kiss my cheek.

"Are you talking to me or the car?" I asked with a smirk.

"Can I not be talking to both of you?" He asked jingling his keys, I shrugged and smiled.

"Are we waiting for Charlie or your brother this time?" I asked walking to the other side of the car to put my bag in the front seat.

"Both, Charlie has someone she wants us to meet so most likely she's got a girlfriend," he said with a shrug.

I walked over to him and laid my head on his shoulder as we waited. He rubbed my back and kissed my forehead, the sound of footsteps could be heard and we looked up to see three people, Charlie, Sam, and some other girl.

"Hey, guys!" Dean called, waving his hand in the air.

"Dean, Cas, Sam, I want you guys to meet my girlfriend, Dorothy." Charlie said when she reached us with the other girl known as Dorothy and Sam following behind her.

"Called it," Dean said with a smile, he looked at the girl with braided pigtails and stuck out his hand. "I'm Dean, this is Cas."

"I'm his boyfriend," I said grabbing his waist and putting my chin on his shoulder.

"I've heard a lot about you two," Dorothy said taking Deans hand and giving it a tense shake.

"I wish we could say the same," I said walking to the other side of the car and getting in the front seat.

I watched Dean and Sam talk with the two for a few minutes before dean got in the drivers seat and Sam in the back seat. "Did you have to do that?" Dean asked turning on the car, I looked at him and furrowed my brows.

"Do what?" I asked in confusion, he sighed and started to drive out of the parking lot.

"You were just being rude is all, saying you wished you heard a lot about her," he said taking a right turn.

"Is Cas coming over tonight?" Sam intervened  with a curious tone.

"Yes, he'll be coming at seven," Dean said slowing down.

"You two aren't going to be doing...things are you?" He asked awkwardly, Dean sighed and tapped the steering wheel.

"No, Sam, we're just gonna have a date night in my room no 'things' are gonna happen except for sleep." Dean explained cruising through my neighborhood.

"You passed my house five times Dean," I said looking over at him.

"I know, just tryna keep you longer," he said flashing me a smile.

"I'll be at your house at seven, or if you want I can be there at six I just need to get my homework done first." I said grabbing his thigh.

"Can you come at six?" He asked in a pleading sort of tone.

"Yes, now drop me off," I said with a chuckle, he pulled up to my house and stopped the car. I grabbed my bag and got out of the car, I walked up to my house and heard Dean whistle. "What now?"

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