Chapter 31

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Alex's POV
Nduma was made the stand by chief while waiting for the recovery of the chief and things had turned from bad to worse with him as chief,the number of deaths had increased and he treated people like animals,it seemed as if him and Ruvimbo had joined forces to control everyone and Vusi had no say about it since he was stripped off from his leadership and duties for what reasons I don't know.

The McDonalds and my parents had come to the Black hunters Village to help the chief as news had made it to them that he had been poisoned and it had been their obligation to protect him they wouldn't tell me the specific reason why but they only told me that they  were old friends or something to the chief and his people,he was an old friend who helped them in the past and they were now helping him too,me and Amara weren't clearly satisfied so we decided to dig more about it.

Its also been two weeks since   our best friend Christina  had disappeared  we had searched for her everywhere with the help of the hunters and warriors but they was no sign her which was eating both of us up,I had blamed myself for letting them come here and I myself for choosing to come here in the first place but Amara would always comfort me that everything always happens for a reason and that will cool me down for a while.

I was still mad at my parents for not wanting to tell me the truth,so another argument arose when they tried talking to me and I Walked out of the kitchen ignoring them.Amara followed me running it was almost getting dark outside and the moon was rising but what scared me the most is that it wasn't its normal color but it was black with red at its edges,we had been talking about the black moon  with my sister when two men came and grabbed us before we could even scream our heads were covered with bags and we were thrown into a cart.

After 30minutes of the journey the cart Stopped and we where forcefully dragged out,they dragged  us on sand until we stopped and our heads were uncovered and in front of us stood none other than Nduma,"ladies its nice of you to join us ,as you can see all these ladies here  are with you too", he said,I turned around to see other young girls who looked really frightened,"these girls will be part of the blackmoon sacrifices to please all the carnivores out there so that they stay out of our territory,i would have told you what these creatures are Alex and Christina but since all the other ladies know and you are going to die anyway  so no need to,he said scratching his non existant beard.

"Now take them away and prepare them", Vusi's uncle said,on his command other man came and grabbed us we all tried to fight but to no use,they were stronger than us,we were covered our heads again and  taken to the unknown place,about three hours later around eight o'clock they had finished preparing us,I felt naked by the way I looked in a very small printed wrapper  with no panties on the same went for my sister and other girls.

"Amara I'm sorry", I said to my sister,"I shouldn't have come here in the first place,or made you come here its all my fault now we die just like that",I said crying,"its ok",she said wiping away my tears," as I said before everything in life happens for a reason,I came here and I met the man of my dreams,you met one too and they just wouldn't let's us die in vein someone will fight for us and as for our parents they won't loose us either, yes we are mad at them for not telling us the truth from the first day but they will come in realization and they will do what's right,now let's be strong for Christina,Ma and Pa and for the boys cause I ain't dying without getting some of that brown meat",Amara said then I laughed a little wiping away her tears too.

In the middle of the night we were taken and left kneeling in the middle of the forest,the wind blew and it was really cold and the worst part was were wore nothing less that a wrapper and no underwear,we could not see anything too since our eyes were covered by a blinder,we were kneeling meters apart from each other and we were about 20girls all together it was so dead silent until i heard the first scream.

A lot of girls were screaming and my heart rate increased,what if I'm next,what if Amara had been taken,when the girl next to me screamed I knew I wasn't gonna survive this neither,will my sister please live,I silently pray while  crying,when something passed my me very fast  my heart almost poppef out but I felt a bit  relieved when nothing happened but the moment I heard heavy breathing behind behind me I knew it was over.

Whatever that it was it circled me then I was lifted up it reaped off my mask  and when I looked at it,it was the  very same beast from the previous night that had attacked me and upon looking at it in the face I screamed  thrashing so it would put me down,it looked at me for a while then  its Honduras face turned soft it dropped me down then just like that it started to transform.

Amara shouted for us to run since it was only the two of us left but I stood there frozen as the beast in front of me turned into a men,he looked at me with dark red eyes,his teeth were sharp and out,white but filled with blood and it was none other than Vusi and I felt my lungs stop pumping air.

He tried to reach for me but I moved away," Alex please let me explain",he said  in a weak voice taking a step forward,"explain what?, you are a monster"i said tears streaming down my face,"no I'm not a monster,I please let me explain",he said weakly,"what are you then?",i asked,"I am a vampire",he said touching my hand but I pushed his hand away,"what?!!,you feed on people's blood, so you killed all these innocent girls too,you almost killed me and your sister that night and were you the one attacking and killing people at night,why live as a vampire among humans?",I had so many questions but at the same time didn't want to hear him out.

"We are all vampires Alex including your parents and the MacDonalds the only humans living among us is you and your sisters",I was shocked,so Christina did you kill her too",I asked looking at him,"what no I didn't",he said trying to hold my hand again,you know what for a second I thought you like me and I was beginning to fall in love with you, but who knew you were  pretending just so you can use me for your stupid rituals,I shouldn't have listen to my feelings for once",I said now heavily crying.

"Alex wait", Vusi said,"no Vusi the second this is over I I'm going back home,I would have loved to live here the rest of my life but not in a place filled with liers and people who feed on other people's blood for survival",I said walking away from him grabbed my sister's hand then we started walking back to the village.

Hey beautiful readers just finished another chapter and the first truth just came out let's see how things go in the next one.till next time❤😘.

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