Chapter 14

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"So where will I take a bath I mean there is no shower in here, we cant go to the river at night too", "no worries girl u see that huge metal dish there?", 'yes I do", "that is for emergency baths when you don't feel like going to the river for a bath with everyone or when you feel  kind of lazy, now take off your clothes and climb into the dish!", she called from the closet already looking through my stuff I did what she said and climbed into the dish.

"What water temperature do you prefer?", "ummm warm at the moment I guess", within a few minutes warm warm water filled the dish i jumped a little  from  astonishment then settled,  "press the side button on the wall" I did as instructed and bathing salts,shower gel,soap,a,sponge,a towel,toothbrush,toothpaste and a tumbler came out. "Wow  this is something else" I said in awe, "it definitely is" she said, I took a bath and might I say this was really soothing my body felt so smooth and softer than ever.She then  threw me a drying towel and I dryed my body i lotioned myself then put the under garments she laid for me and one of my yellow summer dresses that was really short and some cute flats to complete the look.

She told me to seat down in front of the mirror where she did my hair she divided it and plaited it into two cornrows and added some beads and jewelry then did light make on my face and finished it with some lip gloss by the time she finished and I looked into the mirror I was looking bomb asf I immediately  sent Luca a picture then Christina and Amara."Thank you very much Tinashe wow I look beautiful and simple but beautiful",I said admiring myself in the mirror,"it's alright, it's alright girl you and I are going to be just fine now let's go" she said smiling and those dimples.

"What about the mess we left in here?","don't worry about it let's go".
We went outside and it was already dark but the stars were shining so bright there wasn't even need for any street lights,it took us about thirty minutes to arrive at the party and it was lit.I have been to parties and gathering but this was something else,it was like everything was in slowmotion when we arrived, the men were dressed in African wrappers but they looked good!!, so did the women some wore African printed wrappers,others wore dresses and others cropped printed wrappers and high waisted trouser to match but the thing is African woman knew how to dress to the parties back home we used to dress for parties but wow what I saw here was knew and exotic and beautiful Amara and Christina definitely had to come to these parties and see some killer fashon tips cause those girls loved to kill it.

The moment we arrived people started ululating ,they parted the way for us and bow their heads, immediately  i felt embarrassed, I wanted to live Tinashe's hand and join the others immediately but she grabbed it tight and pulled me close, "hey, hey don't be nervous just follow as I do",I whispered back an "OK",we started walking ahead to where the royal family was since we were already late.When we arrived at the front  and I looked up I felt even more nervous, twenty seats where lined side by side going up and very fierce strong black man were seated there,Tinashe whispered "those are the top twenty warriors,twenty are on patrol and the rest are amongst us",as we kept going up we saw twenty men lined up side by going up too but this man were less frightening and of different ages from maybe thirteen to seventy years,they held big golden bowels in their hands the chiefs daughter said these were priests and chief priests I just had to wash my hands in the first bowl and rub on the center of my head with water in each bowl as well go up.When I put my hands in the first bowl the was no water  but I rubbed my hands nevertheless and within seconds water poured of thin air like I expected i washed my hands and rubbed my head going up as mentioned.We arrived where women were seated on the ground with flowers in their hands, the flowers were withered , eight women with withered flowers in their hands crying which was really confusing,just three seconds of passing them their flowers blomed a bright yellow with a little black they started ululating, that was strange I thought. Finally after the long walk up we arrived at our destination where the royal family was seated.

Seated on a large throne with an animal print on his foot was the chief himself followed by his wife,  his son on his other side, another guy next to his son and might I say the guy was good looking as.... holy cow were these people  created by their  own gods or what cause the beauty amongst these people was triggering me more and more.Beside the chief's wife sat Vusi's fiance and then Tinashe  so I had to sit next to the handsome guy that was seated next to Vusi.

All along people were ululating and when we all were seated they stopped.A very tall and lean guy stood up that was a starter this was my first time seeing a lean guy here."We welcome everyone gathered here tonight,the people of the Black Hunters Village, the reason why we celebrate today is because of the return of the Chief's son Vusi Bongo, he has returned home safely  and unharmed,we finally found the person who can attend to the people and the warriors the second female doctor who will be working alongside the Chief's daughter Tinashe and other male doctors we welcome you to the Black Hunters Village Dr Alexandria Jacobs i hope you will treat people here as family for they will do the same to you thank you".

When he finished giving his speech the guy I was seated next to stood up and shouted it's time to celebrate people let us celebrate today because tomorrow we will be at the grounds people all said hau at once the chief and his wife stood up so as everyone who was lined up earlier and started returning to their respective homes I guess. maybe they don't celebrate they way we do. After that music started playing and the guy who had just finished giving an announcement came and kneeled in front of me and sayed my i showing me his hand I gladly took it and said sure.

Another chapter finished so Alex has finally been welcomed into the Village and a new guy has been introduced who is he next I'm switching to Vusi's point of view.till next 😘💕.will try to update so you people don't get bored.

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