Chapter 30

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Third person's POV
Within three weeks forty two vampires had been killed and these included men,women and children.The elders sat down since this had been getting out of hand they had to find a solution immediately,Alex and Christina would work day and night to help patients who would come in badly injured and some wouldn't make it but out of a 100% they managed to save 90%as a team of doctors and 10%would die everyday and the reason why Christina was now working along side Alex was to help out in Tinashe place.

Since her and Amara had come for a three month Vacation they decided why not help out where they are useful and even though Alex knew Christina would not do as much as Tinashe did she was glad she could help.

Tinashe was still recovering but she still lay in her bed as if she were dead,this had affected her parents and brother just the way Ruvimbo wanted.Her strategy was going according to what she wanted and soon,she and her clan of vampire witches would rule as she always wanted,she would break every rule this pathetic Chief had set,peace with many for what,peace with humans would be forbidden as they would feed on them like it was their last super,turn every human into vampires,food,or slaves even if it meant destroying everything to the core  to get what she wanted that was ok with her.

All the elders,chief priests,the seer,the oracle,the advisors and the Chief gathered to discuss about this issue once more when the found out about the conspiracy that was happening in the Village they didn't know who yet but they knew someone was targeting to ruin something they had built for so many years for what reasons they didn't know.

just as Ruvimbo lay on her bed waiting for whatever the old man was doing she was planning her next plan in her head,Nduma fucked like a rabbit for sure,he was fast and all over the place nowonder he didn't have a mate Ruvimbo thought,she watched as he was sweating on top of her breathing like he was about to suffocate and the minute he started is the same minute he finished what a waste.

At least Vusi could give it to her like a real man but that stopped when that bitch Alex came and she had to die,as for Vusi after killing everyone he loved including this man on top of her then she would make him the puppet chief and the ruler in their bedroom  too she smiled wickedly.

Telling Nduma to move,she pulled up her pants and and lowered her dress,now she had to execute her final plan that would bring the people to nothing,she took the two flower petals she had taken from the mountains in the morning and headed to the kitchen killing 3gaurds and the server she put the petals in the  Chief and his wife's drinks wore a disguise then went into the Dare just because people were arguing they didn't notice her come and go.

After the people had finished arguing Vusi's uncle came and told people to relax a bit by making a toast life so Chief Bongo and his wife joined in the toast and wished the people well,the moment they chugged their drinks down Ruvimbo smiled from a corner for a job done to herself then winked at Vusi uncle before walking away.

Alex and her girls where chatting while eating dinner when Christina noticed Ruvimbo come and go out of the kitchen quickly this woman had always looked suspicious to Christina so she sneaked out while her friends weren't looking and started following the lady.

They had walked for a short while until they were in the woods when out of nowhere Ruvimbo started chanting while her eyes closed,a golden rose garden appeared and  the top of the flower garden rose and she entered inside Christina's curiosity got to the best of her even if she was alarmed by what happened she still followed inside.

The moment she entered inside she saw snow falling ,it was so cold everything in there looked frozen even the flowers where white and when she tried to touch one her finger was cut and the moment blood fell to the ground the ice started cracking up that's when Ruvimbo appeared,human why did you follow me here,Christina turned back about to retort back when she saw Ruvimbo and for the first time she looked white like snow her eyes were super red and her carnine teeth were out sharp and large she looked like a beast.

Ruvimbo read Christina thoughts and told her that yes she was a beast to humans,and she also told he not to be shocked by this because they were living in a land of beasts and her and her best friends were the only pathetic humans and they were living in a a world of vampires upon hearing this Christina tried to turn back and run but it was too late Ruvimbo lifted her and threw her against the wall.

She told her she wasn't going to kill her since she wasn't in the mood of killing today but she would put her where she hid her dead mate for no one to see she opened a huge glass box and in there Christina was thrown and glass was closed in there was a body which was frozen and white it almost looked like a statue but from the features you could tell it was a male body  a very muscular statue Christina thought,Ruvimbo later on told Christina she would become a frozen statue in four days since she was a human and weak and no one will ever know she existed,Ruvimbo then turned away and left Christina screaming to get her out of the place she shut  the entrance chanted her spell once more and the place disappeared.

While back home Alex and Amara looked for Christina about three  hours but they couldn't find her,they were very worried when someone called them immediately to tell them that the chief and his wife were poisoned so they rushed to the royal sleeping quarters,after struggling to help the chief and his wife for about five hours the  team of doctors finally settled down,they weren't any changes yet but at least they had been now stable then before.

Meanwhile back in Harare,word had spread that the Chief of the Black hunters Village and his wife had been poisoned,when the McDonald's heard about this they immediately started packing they had vowed to save their chief nomatter what and being there by his side made sense because living as a vampire in a world that's not your own wasn't easy but Chief Bongo had his people had accepted them for who they are and took them in without questioning now it was time to show their loyalty to him.

Malcolm took his phone and dailed the first number that appeared on his phone.Amara's mother the moment she answered her phone,he asked if word had arrived and she mentioned she saw it so Malcolm told her to pack up cause things have gone left and the black moon was upon its arrival too so they had to take action because someone might have been planning a conspiracy against the Chief and they were going to find out who so Alex's parents had to board a plane to come to Zimbabwe and meet the McDonalds so they can continue the journey together.

Hey beautiful people another chapter done.sorry if you don't like a third person's POV but I will be doing it to bring out details that might make me create more chapters which won't be more necessary so I just bring in narration to tell you wassup before jumping into the next person's pov cause I'm trying to avoid my first book having 50chapters thank you I hope you enjoy....😘❤ till next time.

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