chapter 9

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I was super exhausted by the time we arrived at the airport I just wanted to board the plane not talk to anyone and sleep,I wasn't surprised when I noticed the arrogant,rude and handsome bastard had his own plane of cause he was rich!,the driver took my laguage out of the car and we got into the plane,I didn't get the chance to look around because the moment I was given a place to seat I fell asleep immediately cause I was exhausted.

Sweat was dripping on his dark chocolate body and the way the sun reflected on his body living it with a glow the sweat definitely looked like water droplets on a leaf in the morning.The way his muscles flexed while cutting the firewood with an axe gosh I could see my hands run all over those muscles and that moment as if he knew I was there he dropped the axe and instantly he was in my face holding me against a tree his his minty break was fanning my face,he looked at me with those deep red eyes and whispered in my ear "miss me already I thought I had just finished with you five minutes ago",the moment he whispered I was weak  in the kneesI didn't know what to do next,I looked at him back and said "why won't you mark me,I want yo to do it right here and now",his face became serious and unexpectedly he kissed me with so much intense I moaned into the kiss.

I instantly woke up from my very scary dream and the moment I opened my eyes Mr Arrogant was looking at me wierdly like he was in my face as if he was studying my facial features then he stood up and sat in the seat  in front of me,his shirt was half unbuttoned so my eyes mistakenly traveled there for a while then he cleared his throat "eyes up here missy" he said in a deep barrington voice I instantly crossed my legs and looked up at him and he had a smirk on his face aagh wish I could slap it off his beautifully scalptured face.

"You have never seen a black man before?",he smiled looking at me intensely while saying it, what that was rude I thought, "with the eighty percent of people  i was working with at the hospital  today I don't think that was necessary to ask, but with the way you were looking at my face while I was asleep which was creepy by the way i am the one who should have asked if you had never seen a white woman before".

With the way he instantly had a serious face I knew I had won so I gave him that evil smile but it was instantly wiped away when he said "I just wanted to check up on your temperature with my hand and wake you up the moment you opened your eyes cause like you were moaning a bit louder in your sleep so I thought maybe you had a fever or a bad dream". I looked down embarrassed i wanted to say something but the the pillot said prepare for landing and  in about ten to fifteen minutes we landed safely.

We got out of the plane me,Mr Arrogant and his fiancee I hadn't paid my attention to  all along but must I say the woman was  beauty it's self she was taller than me like 5'8 to 5'9 although she was still way shorter than her man.she was lighter in complexion and she was curvy with long black hair and hazelnut eyes.

She kissed her man and  they started making out like I wasn't there "ooooh hie you must be the new doctor' she said smiling at me after kissing her fiance "I'm Ruvimbo" she extended her hand after whipping her lips I took it then we shook hands on cue two cars arrived and we all got into the last one and laguage was put into the first one the drive to wherever we were going was silent I was starting to fall asleep again but immediately I woke up when the driver said we are here.

We went outside and my mouth was instantly agape and my jaw on the ground, I had never seen wonders like this in my life before, this place was beautiful and everything here was out of a fairy tell movie.The entrance where the car left us was covered by ice and the moment Mr arrogant put his palm on the ice wall the ice started to crack and melt and it turned into a water fall then the water parted and we walked right in the middle.

We were told to remove our shoes and when we did the water kept parting and we kept walking right in the middle until we reached a wall covered with roses.He took one rose out and stuck it on a birds nest right next to the wall the small birds flew out stood at the front of the wall and the wall Opened and its like we started walking in a  garden full of flowers and a lot of different birds were singing in there  this to me was surely heaven on earth but like where rude and handsome men came from,I thought looking at Me rude.

We walked for 19minutes and the little birds disappeared like wind then the flower garden opened and huge letters in black and gold were shown with the sign welcome to Black Shadow Hunter's Village in bold it was beautiful. The gates were opened and then immediately  people who were kneeling in side walks started ululating and singing while people played drums and horns as trumpets I had definitely never seen something like this before in my life.

We walked for about 15 minutes until we could finally see the villages and people were still lined up kneeling on the ground singing  while drums and trumpets were being played then a young boy came and kneeled down with  his head on the ground and said "we welcome back the son of the chief Vusi Bongo,the future makoti(daughter in law) and the doctor may the chief and the mother of the nation received you in peace!!".

people again started ululating we walked again and finally we reached a very big hut which was  made so well  every perfection of it was out of this world, when we came inside everything was animal print at its best and they were about six thrones that looked like that of a higher status people each was lined up with man that looked so powerful and strong Mr Arrogant kneeled down and we quickly followed and he said "father I'm back home and I come in peace,i have bought with me what you have requested" .

Another chapter done please keep reading don't loose hope in me yet I have more juicy stuff coming..finally Alex is at the Black Shadow Hunter's Village what will happen next?... til next  time.❤The paragraph I wrote in italic will be her dreams or thoughts but basically her dreams in this chapter.

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