Chapter 26

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Vusi's POV
I wasn't going to hide my mate under the bed,tell her to hide in the closet or jump threw the window and at the same time I wasn't going to give Ruvimbo the wrong impression she is still my fiance and she doesn't know yet that Alex is my mate so I told Alex to put on her dress  and go under the covers and get some rest,she had questioned me  about it,but I told her to just do it,I put on a sweater and some shorts then went and opened the door.

The moment I opened my door my uncle's scent hit me hard, her neck was full of scratches and bite marks too,so I  instanlyknew where she was."I thought you said you sleeping at the girls quarters tonight what are you doing here babes",I asked her letting her in,she came in for a hug and I couldn't refuse,it's like I was hugging my uncle,it would have been nice to take a shower after I thought,I was going to kill that bastard one,"can't I miss my man at night and want to see him,is that a crime?",she said trying those puppy eyes she ridiculously failed,"no its not, come here"I kissed her forehead and took her hand.

When we walked in my room I was ready to explain the 'situation' but I saw Dumi seating on my window seal,thank the heavens,even though I was going to get an earfull from him."I was telling Alex here that you didn't have your  two front  teeth till you  was ten",dumi said while Alex laughed,I gave him an eye but we all laughed about it that's when Ruvimbo saw Alex in my bed."Babes what's Alex doing in our bed",she said giving her a death glared,"point of correction my bed,she came with  Dumi since she was bored they were taking a walk and ended up here".

"With the way you looking I would say otherwise though",Dumi said,these two were oil and water,"what I was attacked by an animal,Ruvimbo said,this woman was plentiful I thought,Dumi laughed,"I'm sure that animal is the same animal that attacks you every night",he said swinging his legs"What is Your problem Dumisani,get out now please", Ruvimbo said now angry,"that's a no no cause we all know we in someone's home and if he hasn't told us to get out we ain't",he said,geez these two.

"Its ok Dumi and I will go Alex said,I would not wanna disrespect any woman like that,if she said leave we leave",she said removing the covers on top of her,"thanks Vusi for having us", then she stood up.I picked a bottle and aimed for Dumi's head the moment he tried to have a little glimpse on Alex's body  so he fell over the window and shouted,"aaaaw man why did you do that",i replied him smirking,"I'm sorry a fly was over your head I tried to aim it and shot at you by mistake".

"I don't like this,I don't like this at all",Ruvimbo complaines while coming out of the bathroom,"what is it again?", I asked her removing my sweater."That Alex girl ever since she came everything changed",she said looking into the mirror ,"what changed",I asked,"a lot changed,Dumi was never friends with anyone except you,your sister and his brother,but now his friends with Alex he just met a few months ago,he wouldn't even befriend me even when his brother was still alive",she said now applying lotion,"babes u just overreacting,it takes time to form a friendship"i said  shaking my head,"oooh and with Alex it didn't",i sighed,"I don't know Ruvimbo,you are never there to make people your friends", I said now frustrated,"I beg i need to sleep please'.

"You like her don't you",she said now looking at me,"like who Ruvimbo",I asked,"You like Alex don't you",I was silent for a moment the answered,"I don't know",she forced out laghter,"I don't know is not the answer I'm looking for,I wanna know yes or no",i shook my head again,"fine yes i like her she's my mate,its meant to be that way ain't it".I regretted what I said after saying it,"oooh I'm sorry Ruvimbo",she stood up looked at me then slapped me.

"How stupid I was,how could I not see this,I mean  are we still getting married",she asked,"Ruvimbo please not now, I don't wanna argue with you,can we at least get some sleep please",she looked at me with anger,"no I don't wanna sleep here anymore I'm going home".I just looked at her I wasn't going to beg anymore,I was tired,had blue balls and I needed some rest so I said,"ok cool goodnight,lock the door on your way out".she just banged the door then left, might as well get some rest before Dumi is throwing us across the field tomorrow I thought closing my eyes with a smile,well at least ama have a good night sleep tonight.

The next morning I was up in the field sweat dripping,when Dumi tackled me and said,"bro you own me big time",I punched him in the guts responding,"yes I owe you but you my best friend,and I think we past the owing stage, and thank god you can sense a heart bit from miles away Ruvimbo would have killed me",I said picking up the walking sticks he been looking at and throwing one at him,my mistake  though  cause he hit me back in the guts,"what did you say to Ruvimbo he asked".

"She wanted to rough me up about the situation,but I told her the truth that Alex is my mate",he looked me shocked,"I know,I know bro,but she just pushed my buttons hard this time,I could smell my uncle's cologne on her body,his filthy cigarettes,snuff and did you see those scratches and mark bites on her neck bro,I just felt disgusted from the day I found out",I said tripping him by my foot and while he was falling down he pulled my leg too and we both fell down.

"what was Alex doing at your place at night anyway",he said looking at me,"well she wanted to talk',I said looking away from him,"damn if my woman came every night just to talk looking like that then we fina talk",i just shook my head,"bro get off",I said laughing."well I'm happy things  finally are becoming clear for you man,soon enough you will be the leader of this village and with Alex by your side,you will earn the respect and love from people just like your parents".

"Thanks man", I said to him,"and I also need my right hand by my side cause it ain't going to be a straight leadership without you Dumi and your mate by your side,and I hope it goes as we all wish it to be like",I said to him, "yeah man",he answered standing up."You ready for the hunt tonight?",he asked,"yeah man I need some fresh blood", l said standing up too,"then you gotta get that rest let's go",Dumi said taking off into the direction of our sleeping quarters.

Another chapter finished I hope you enjoy it with the bit of drama I tried to create,well I'm scared for the next chapter you should too....till next time❤😘.

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