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Being on a plane for hours is really exhausting, but being on two planes!!,well that's another story for another day.Anyways I was now at Zimbabwe international airport finally, i had to board a plane from my home country to south Africa then from there to Zimbabwe so I was tired.

I also had to meet a man named Malcolm MacDonald at the airport him and his wife Belinda were the ones i will be staying with like mom had suggested she said they were long time family friends but she never mentioned them before until the morning of  my farewell breakfast which was something we had to talk about later.

While looking around I saw a man who was holding a board with my name and last name and I waved at him enthusiastically  he saw   me too and walked up to me and  greeted me a wide grin on his face.

"Hie I'm Malcolm MacDonald and me and my wife Belinda who is in the car are the one who will be staying with you and well welcome to Zimbabwe" he said while laughing and scratching the back of his head,I laughed at that he looked really nervous.

"Well hie to you too Mr MacDonald I'm Alexandria Jacobs but you can call me Alex",I said while shaking hands with him.

We decided to go meet Belinda and go home.when we arrived where his car was I got to meet Belinda who was really nice i could tell then we hearded to their home.On our way there we never talked about anything since I was still a bit nervous around them but they told me they had two beautiful children.

Arraiving at their home which was in a gated community,kinda reminds me of home it was a big house,it looked very homely and welcoming  we met their kids Brooklyn and Malcolm jnr.They also mentioned that they lived in an area called Chisipiti,when we got into their house which was beautiful by the way and decorated to perfection  they showed me to my room told me to take a shower and by the  time I was ready and went down stairs dinner was ready.

"So how do you feel about moving to Africa",Malcolm asked eating, well we had gone to a first name basis after they had both refused to be adressed formally unless its at work,"well I don't know yet I gut to adapt to everything first and see how it goes", I answered honestly.

"well you know Africa is a beautiful continent and especially people here in Zimbabwe they are friendly,welcoming,respectful and their culture is beautiful too you will enjoy" Belinda joined in.

"Well I'm looking forward to that and I can't wait to meet new people and learn new things",I said before putting a fork full of macaroni in my mouth.

Curious much I asked "so how do you and my mum know each other",Malcolm and Belinda looked at one another then Belinda answered, "we knew your your mom from highschool then we went to college together, well Malcolm here used to be your mom's fiance by the way".

Me being  shocked  was an understament,mom once talked about almost getting married but she said she never liked talking bout the past she would always say.

"How come she's never talked bout you before if you were this close",she always did I thought to myself but wanted to know more maybe I would get lucky,since my mom never wanted to spill either.

"The thing is we had a huge misunderstanding and we ended up not talking but it's good we in good books now",Malcolm said. I wanted to know more but it had to be story for another time,since they wouldn't say anthing either,by the time we finished we cleared the table and played a lil bit of cards.

I just noticed how this family was  so close and funny and their kids were also funny too, I noticed this while playing black jack with them and looking at their kids made me feel like wow I can do this one day and me and Lucas can have our own kids when we are ready.

With that thought in mind I felt like my necklace was inceasing in temperature and within seconds I felt a sting on my neck,I excused myself so I could go check up what was wrong and I didn't want to alarm anyone so I told them good night and I was taking an early rest.

When I arrived in the guest bedroom and took off the necklace I looked at my neck in the mirror and saw a small black sign on my neck like a small foreign symbol,i looked at the necklace and saw one bead had a drawing on it which was never there before of a woman carrying a baby on her back in nothing but an African print wrapper around her body,why am I only seeing this now I thought,maybe I was just super tired and was hallucinating.

I figured it can be a story for another day what I need now was some rest so I get prepared for tomorrow I went to my bed and by the time my head hit the pillow I was out like light.

His beautiful people another chapter completed please if you reading this comment and vote and please let me know what you think.its about to get twisted people the next chapter two worlds collide and the drama begins.till next time❤.

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