"Brownies sound good." Libra said, brushing a raven strand out of her face. She sat at the island, looking as pretty as ever. "But Taurus... why do you bake? We have a magic house that makes whatever we think of. I just don't want you to go through the trouble every day."

It was a valid concern. Any of the Signs could have anything they wanted with a single craving, and Taurus still made breakfast, lunch, and dinner almost every night. "I can only imagine it being a lot to cook for the 12 of us every day." Cancer added. "Libra and I can help, if you'd like."

Taurus' wings beat faster with his laugh. "No, I got it. I like cooking, especially for you guys. It's not as much of a hassle as you think."

Libra and Cancer shared a pout before Libra shrugged. "Alright." She said, leaning over the counter. "Don't tired yourself out, though."

"I won't." Taurus hummed to the beat of his wings, pouring the pancake batter onto the griddle. The smell made Cancer's tail wag harder, beating against the side of the table. Libra giggled when Taurus asked, "Smell good, Cancie?"

"Sure does!" Leo shouted for Cancer. He jogged into the kitchen and naturally latched onto Libra. They shared a quick kiss before he sniffed himself. "Damn, Taur! What's with the flapjacks?"

Cancer stiffened as she watched Leo realize what day it was. He started to scowl, a low growl leaving his throat. "Tell me Taurus," Leo's sudden condescending tone was unusually cold. "Has that piece of shit ever actually been nice to you?"

Without looking up, Taurus replied, "Sure he has."

"That's a fucking surprise."

"Not really," Maybe Cancer was the only one feeling tense, but Taurus was still oddly calm. He glanced down at her before he said, "He only hates you. Besides, it's his birthday. I wouldn't bother him."

Leo sucked his teeth, clearly not understanding Taurus. Cancer hoped the conversation would drop altogether. Libra, who was probably uncomfortable too, sighed as she rubbed her boyfriend's bare arm. "Babe," she said, getting his attention instantly. "Don't think about it. The pancakes are all that matters. Remember when Taur made pancakes for my birthday?"

Leo hummed, kissing her again. Cancer swooned. "Yeah, they're better every time."

"What's better every time?" Of all people to show up, Cancer hoped Scorpio would stay upstairs forever. Be good, please be good. Unfortunately, he walked into the kitchen like he already owned the place. Ignoring Leo's growls, he said, "Oh, Taur's pancakes? Yeah, they are pretty great. You need some help, Taur?"

"No, thank you." It was subtle - like most of Taurus' gestures - but it was a glare all the same. A glare Cancer knew Scorpio recognized, but refused to show any reaction to. "It's probably best if you head outside, get some extra training to practice learning your element. Pisces told me you were having some trouble with it."

Leo snorted, and, almost like lightning, Libra slapped his arm. When Cancer saw Scorpio's devious smirk, she realized he was going to retaliate, hard. Please, please, be good! "Scorpio-" She started, her tail growing frantic.

"Now, hang on, Cancie." He raised his hands, not even hiding the malice on his face anymore. Slowly, Taurus put down his spatula and straightened his back. "Don't get all scared, okay? Sometimes, people, like Litter Box over there, tend to overcompensate for getting cucked, and that's okay. It's not my business-"

Leo was faster than anyone anticipated. Scorpio was crushed against a wall, his neck being squeezed by Leo's claws. The bloodlust in their eyes made Cancer want to scream. Taurus sighed. "Leo!" Libra shouted. "Let him go."

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