The Throne Legacy ~ Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

The sun was high in the cloudless sky, though the air had a cool touch due to the gentle breeze. Though, not an unpleasant coolness, Nikita thought as she walked through the streets. Riku walked beside her and two of her guards came behind them, ready to defend her if the need arose.

Across the city people were preparing for the following days’ celebrations. Flags and banners were being strung from pole to pole through the streets and shop owners were preparing signs for special offers. People were making new items to sell and traders stalls were being made ready for the coming day.

“I hope this plan goes well,” Nikita commented as she studied the going-ons around her.

“Your highness, it is already working,” Riku replied, smiling a little. “Can’t you see, the people are happy. We have given them something to do, cause to celebrate. Everyone loves celebrations.”

“Yes, yes they do,” Nikita agreed but she still bore a puzzled expression. “I have seen traders from Oricue arrive and others from Tinsia and Raeio.”

“Surely there is nothing wrong with that?”

“I worry some trouble may arise from this,” Nikita admitted in hushed tones.

Riku frowned, staring down at the cobblestones beneath their feet. “Trouble? Oricue,  Tinsia and Raeio have been our allies for many, many years. I do not think they would cause trouble.”

“No, no, they would not. But what of Sitem?” Nikita persisted.

“The peace treaty will hold them to be...civilised...if any do come,” Riku assured her.

“I hope so,” she said. “But relations have always been...difficult with Sitem, even with the peace treaty.”

“Nikita,” Riku stopped and turned to face her. “You trouble yourself needlessly. Do not worry about this. All will be fine, and if trouble does arrive then we will worry about it when it does, not before.”

The Princess sighed and nodded. “Of course, you are right. We should be celebrating, not worrying.”

Riku smiled. “Good. Now, where were we. Ah yes, the celebrations will begin with a speech from the Royals. I have tried to arrange this to cause the least problems so...”

Nikita tried to listen, but she quickly found her attention drawn away from the Duke. They walked at a slow pace and the life of the city seemed to move fast around them, people bustling and carts trundling. Through all the hustle around her though, something caught her eye, something that worried her, though she could not place why.

On the other side of the street a figure was hunched in a narrow doorway, a dark cloak hiding the person’s body and face, making it impossible to determine anything about them, even gender. The doorway was shadowed and Nikita did not notice the thing the person held at first. For the person had their hand held out, close to their body, palm up, and hanging from the hand was an object held by string intertwined in the figure’s fingers. It was made of twigs bent into the shape of a triangle. As she looked closer she realised there were other forms inside the triangle, shapes attached to each side.


Quickly, Nikita looked away from the figure. She had the feeling that the person was watching her, even though she couldn’t see their eyes.

“Princess Nikita? Are you well?”

Nikita returned her attention to the Duke and smiled wanly. “I am fine, I was just thinking.”

Riku frowned but did not contest her reply. “Perhaps we should continue this later. You seem tired, and I think some rest will do you some good.”

The Throne Legacy: An Incasta Novel (co-written)Where stories live. Discover now