Chapter Eighty-Four: Ta-Thunk!

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July 21, 1967

"Donna, look, I really don't have to go to Greece, if you don't want me to."

"John Winston Lennon, you are going, and that is final."

He frowned extensively. "Well, alright, but you will know how—."

"John, I will be fine," I assured him. "Besides, I won't be alone! Maureen is going to come and we are going to have a great time." I smiled.

"Oh, you're right. I know you'll be okay. I'm just...I don't like leaving you all alone."

"Oh, I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself. Go look at your fancy Greek islands. I can't believe you seriously want to buy them."

"Well, it wasn't so much my idea as it was Paul and George. They just seem hellbent on it."

"Well, good for them. I wouldn't mind living on a random island."

He grinned. "I'm sure you wouldn't."

"Now, eat your chicken before it gets cold. I put my heart and soul into that dish." I pointed to the plate in front of him.

When he returned his attention to it, I leaned back against the couch behind us and fidgeted with the TV remote. "Look!" I shouted suddenly and John half-choked on his food as he tried to look at me. "It's our favorite show!" I pointed to the TV and John cracked a sideways grin when he saw the Monkees playing.

"I do love this show," he said with a grin.

"Here we cooome," I sang in a horrible voice. "Walkin' down the streeet / We get the funniest looks frommm / Everyone we meeet!"

"Hey, hey, we're the Monkees / And people say we monkey around / But we're too busy singin' to put anybody downnn!" John joined in and we finished the whole theme song and trailed off into a fit of laughter.

"We're such fucking children," John said before the show faded into a Kellogg's commercial.

"K, E, double L...O, double good. KELLOGGS BEST TO YOU!" I shouted in time with the music.

"Alright, alright, now let's watch this," John told me. "Only sing during the songs."

"Well, what else would I sing?"

"I—I don't know."

Fifteen minutes later, I went straight from laughing to crying. My dinner was already long gone which was the initial source of my sadness, but soon, onscreen, Davy was being forced to leave Mike, Micky, and Peter, and it really was sad.

"Ah, he'll be okay," said Micky dismissively on screen from where he was sitting backwards against a railing.

"Sure he will," said Mike as he was leaning against a wall.

"He'll probably be better off without us," Peter finished and Mike turned around and started to walk towards the other two. Soon, they were all huddled together, crying in the most dramatically stupid way possible.

"Aw, man, that's so sad," I said and John gave me an incredulous look.

"Are you crying, love?"

"Of course, I am! He's leaving." I crossed my arms frustratedly. "It's so sad."

"Aww, love, it's just a show." John put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him.

"I know it is, but it just reminds me that you're going to be leaving tomorrow and it makes me a little sad."

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