Chapter Fifty-One: A Son, a Daughter, a Cat, a John, and a Donna!

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April 4, 1967

"So, we've got some blue walls." John backed away from where he was running a paintbrush along the wall. I started on the right side of the back wall and he started on the left so we could meet in the middle.

"I'm thinking some pink curtains," I proposed. "Y'know, since we should have something girly in here."

John studied the color on the wall and then looked at the window. "Yes," he confirmed. "That's a good idea."

"We can have it pale like the blue and it'll look nice."

John smiled at me. "Yes, I do believe you're correct."

"Oh, come off it. I know I'm correct. Now, you better get to work on your side or I'm gonna beat you to the middle. You wouldn't want to be beat by a girl, would you?" I smirked.

He cracked a sideways grin before returning to his careful painting.

"What color will the cribs be?" he asked, continuing his questioning even as he was painting.

"I'm not sure," I replied. "Brown would look nice. Or white, but it would be a pain keeping that clean."

He nodded in agreement. For a few minutes, we dragged our brushes across the wall in utter silence. I knew what was on John's mind, and it was the same as what was on mine. He was thinking about the babies. He still had worry laced into his brow whenever he was thinking about them, and that's how I could tell. I couldn't make any assumptions based on that because I was just as worried as him. I was sure that we'd be just this worried the day we were in the hospital awaiting the babies' arrival. We'd probably never shake off the feeling of worry ever again.

"What do you think they'll look like?" he asked me. He'd already asked me this about a hundred times, but he still had an amused expression on his face, so I responded nonetheless.

"Well, I'm not sure," I answered truthfully. "But I hope they have your lucky face," I teased.

He wrinkled his nose and smiled over at me.

"What did Brian say last night?"

John had called Brian up while I was in the shower last night, to further make sure that I had nothing to do with the phone call. He really didn't want me to have anything to worry about, and I found that very endearing and all, but I still wanted to know what had been said.

"Have I got to tell you? What if I just told you we won't ever have to worry about Yoko again? Isn't that enough?"

I frowned. "I'd like to know how exactly that's going down," I whined.

"C'mon, Donna," he said in desperation.

I looked down at the wall again frustratedly. "Never mind. I'm sorry I asked," I replied.

He sighed. "I promise, it'll all be okay now."

"If she shows up here one more time, then I don't want to be here," I blurted.

"You what?" His voice was wracked with horror.

"I don't feel safe knowing that people can so easily get in here, John. You know how I am," I told him stiffly.

"Well, I promise you that she won't ever get in here again."

"How can you be so sure?"

"She's getting a face full of my fist if she ever fucking does."

Strangely, the comment was uplifting. "Promise?"


We fell silent.

"How long has she been doing this?" I asked timidly.

"I think the first time was back in January," he admitted.

"January? John, why the hell did you not tell me?"

"Well, if you remember, you were throwing up everyday, and then we found out you were pregnant, and all hell ensued, so I didn't find a fit time to do so."

"Well, next time a strange woman becomes creepily obsessed with you, don't let me find out because she leaves a letter in our mail slot."

"I certainly will not," he said finally. "Donna, I really hope you know that I would never leave you," he added with a desperate sigh.

I looked over at him and he was staring back, crouching on his knees where he was painting down towards the floor. There were lines in his face that made him look a hundred years older than he really was. It was very nearly frightening. We both had experienced too much too be considered a lifetime and we weren't even thirty yet. It was an exhausting thought to have.

"I know you wouldn't," I responded with a small grin. "Besides, you said it yourself. You couldn't live without me."

"Come here," he said jokingly, his face breaking out into a smile. He used his free hand to pull my face closer to his so that he could place a deep and meaningful kiss on my lips.

"I looove you," he said with a dopey smile when he pulled away, leaving me feeling flustered from my head to my toes.

"I looove you too," I responded breathlessly.


"Yes, Mimi, Saturday...yes, until next Saturday...huh?"

John looked to me with a confused look on his face and I couldn't help but giggle.

"Mimi, we can't stay any longer. Donna has another doctor's appointment next Monday, so we need to be back by then...yes, Mimi. Yes, I'm sure."

I looked down at my lap where Boots was laying asleep peacefully.

John and I's hands werecovered in paint. We had just finished the room about twenty minutes ago and were satisfied with how it turned out for now. We were planning on painting over it one more time tomorrow and then on the next day John decided he could paint his dogs onto it.

"Yes, alright, Mimi. I'll see you on Saturday. Yes, I love you too. Alright...bye now." John finally put the phone back down and looked at me with an exhausted look.

"You really can't tell her anything, can you?" he said to me with a sigh.

"Evidently not," I responded with a grin.

"Anyway," he said. "Looks like the Lennons are taking a vacation next week."

"Back home we go!" I said jokingly.

"And Boots gets to come with us. Don'tcha, Boots?" John crouched down on the floor in front of me and stroked the cat behind his ears. Boots stretched out and yawned.

"Family trip!" I said teasingly.

"A son, a daughter, a cat, a John, and a Donna!" John cried, then reached up to throw his arms around my neck. "Wanna go get dinner?" he whispered into my ear.

"Yes," I responded.

He pulled back and kissed me on the cheek. "Well, lets get cleaned up, then."


Seriously thought this would never happen, but I am actually falling behind on the amount of chapters I have written for this book😳 school is back now of course and that's messing with all of this, and I am also trying to keep my George book going that I can't really do my one chapter a day thing like I did all of the last book.

I've still got a good amount for now and I'm going to really try and catch up, but I will add this little warning in here that I may have to drop a few days of updates😳

George will still come on wednesdays, but I'm thinking that if this crashes and burns I'll drop this to every Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday

For now, that won't happen, and if it does, I should warn you, but I'd like to let you know what's going on do y'all are iN dA kNoW

Anyways, enjoy the story😭😂


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