Chapter 37

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Narrator's point of view

The three that escaped the forest met up with the ones that got held captive in Umbridge's office. Ron gave them back their wands with a smile.

"How did you escape?" Hermione asked shocked while she put her wand away.

"I told them I was hungry, I wanted some sweets." He replied with a cheeky grin.

Neville asked how would they get to London. Harry and Violette looked at each other in deep thoughts before the boy spoke up, "Look it's not like we don't appreciate everything you've done— All of you. But... We've got you in enough trouble as it is and it's best if me And Violette will go alone." The cousins walked past them but only to be stopped.

"Dumbledore's army is supposed to be something about doing something real." Neville said making the two turn around.

"Look, Bellatrix only wants me. If I go with her silently then she'll release my dad and none of you will be harmed." She explained and even Harry looked at her in disbelief.

"You won't be surrendering yourself. We'll find a way to get him back with no one getting hurt." Ron said, a little too determined to back his friend up that looked as if she made up her mind about giving up.

"We'll all go. Violette won't surrender herself and we'll get Sirius back. But how are we going to get there?" Harry asked, facing towards them.

"We fly ofcourse."

"This is pointless. Where the hell are we going to find her here." Violette spoke once they entered the department of mysteries. More preferably, the one where there were a lot of shelves containing many mystery spheres on it.

"Let's just keep going." Hermione said, besides her and not wanting to even be apart of the girl.

Harry looked around, it was deserted and the only light they have was from their wands. It gave him a chance to ask Violette. "Violette. You weren't serious when you said that you'll give yourself up, right?" He asked and everyone got quiet and listened to them converse.

"What choice did I have, Harry? How many more people have to get hurt just for that lunatic to get me?" She wasn't even regretting the words that came out her mouth.

"And how many more times do we have to tell you, We're in this together whether you like it or not." He spoke, looking over his shoulder to catch a glimpse of her.

However, Violette was too worried to worry about herself. She just wanted everyone to be safe and finally be rid of her crazed aunt. "If it goes down with Bellatrix demanding for me, Don't try anything."

"Violette—" Ron started but quickly got cut off

"—Just trust me, please. If anything were to happen to any of you, I would lose my mind." The Black said genuinely making the girl besides her tired of her actions.

Hermione was tired, tired of pretending they were just friends, tired of her girlfriend's acts of not wanting to involve anyone. "Would you stop that? We can take care of ourselves you know." The sudden tone of her voice made her friends look at her in confusion.

"Hermione let's not do this right now." She warmed, eyeing her straightly while their footsteps were slowing down.

"No. Do you honestly expect me to watch you leave after everything we've been through?" This time, she tugged on Violette's wrist to stop them from walking. Violette looked to her side to see her friends looking at them in wonder and concern. "I'm only saying this because I am tired of putting on an act around you and everyone else. So whatever you might hear, you're thinking right." She warned them before pulling the Black a few steps away from them.

𝗖𝗵𝗮𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘆𝗼𝘂 ; Hermione Granger ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now