Chapter 6

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Narrator's point of view

Violette's hand was on top of her table in front of her, fingers tapping the wooden texture from time to time. It was still her first class yet, she wanted to leave. She even considered on leaving the school grounds to find her mother and just wanted to meet her and hear her mom's voice assure her that the accusations were false. She didn't notice on how Hermione would look at her from across the room, how the most wicked worried look would look at her every minute.

The Potter however had his eyes dead set on the girl. Millions of questions inside his head that he wanted to ask the girl who mysteriously showed up. The minute that they leave this class, he would go to Violette and ask her who she was and if she is playing some sick joke to him.

Once, Professor Burbage asked Harry a question in which he couldn't answer. The professor called him out on staring at the girl who also seemed as lost as he is making the class erupt in silent laughters for the second hand embarrassment that Harry received.

Violette didn't seemed faze and just anxiously tapped the table over and over again. Clearly something was bothering her but the golden trio didn't know on what it was. She wanted this class to be over so that she can go somewhere where no one would disturb her of her negative thoughts about her mother. No matter how hard the girl tried, her anxiety getting the better of her and it was killing her on the inside.

Once the professor gave them their homeworks and lessons, she dismissed them in which Violette didn't protest and quickly stood up leaving immediately. She felt suffocated in the class and nobody noticed. Nobody noticed except Hermione who had her eyes dead straight on her the whole time.

"Violette wait!" Harry shouted, struggling to follow her footsteps because of the busy halls and his books constantly falling over his grip but luckily catching it.

The girl stopped and held onto the strap of her bag firmly and turned around, "Harry look I'm sorry for not telling you my name but—"

"—Are you his daughter? Sirius Black?" He asked panting between his breathing. Hermione and Ron caught up with them and listened closely.

Violette stopped and studied his eyes closely, "You really do have Lily's eyes." She whispered making the boy taken aback. It gave Violette an opportunity to leave the stunned boy to get to a much more quiet space.

Harry looked back to Ron and Hermione who heard as well, "How does she know my mother? What does that even mean?" He asked and all three were clueless as a sheep.

Violette on the other hand pushed back the people who was on her way, nobody protested on what she's done it was hectic on the halls. Once she got out she sighed in relief and kept walking until she could no longer the busy talks of students inside the castle.

She didn't know but somebody else was following her, someone that she once loved.

Violette panted in her breathing when she stopped walking, the grass beneath her feet when she arrived felt soothing for her. She sat down and dropped her stuff, putting both her palms on her face. Trying but failing to calm herself down.

"Vi..." Nicole whispered, not wanting to be pushy about where they are now. But the moment she saw that Violette struggling to breathe and to walk straightly, she couldn't stop herself.

The Black looked back dropping her hands to her knees. "Nicole? What are you doing here?" She asked brushing away the shakiness laced in her voice.

Nicole shook her head and sat down besides her, careful on not pushing too hard of their situation.

"I saw you. You looked troubled, Vi. I'm sorry I couldn't help myself." She said looking over her side to the girl who looked hopeless.

𝗖𝗵𝗮𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘆𝗼𝘂 ; Hermione Granger ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now