Chapter 20

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Narrator's point of view

It's been 2 months of Violette dodging every time she almost gets caught. It was never her plan for the order to find her yet, she expected it as such.

When Sirius found Scarlet (Thanks to Violette who managed to convince her mother for them to help) he couldn't contain his happiness and just wanted to hug her. Scarlet was more than happy to see the love of her life again and the thought of him and their daughter meeting has her feeling joy like no one has ever felt. The problem was is that Violette was no where to be found nor does she want to be found. The order did everything, including the Golden trio who would come to the adults in search for her.

Violette Black spent the 2 months of jumping from hotel to hotel and finding new people that would distract her from her reality. Getting drunk and waking up with a massive headache was her daily routine and nobody was there to stop her. The only one who could do that was Cedric whom she is mourning his loss. She didn't want to come back and face her problems straight on. Yes, she misses her mom but she just couldn't bare the thought of them getting hurt because of her.

She blocked the anger and the pain she was feeling once and replaced it with the taste of alcohol wishing it was doing it's job of letting her forget. The only time she could cry was if it's late at night and all those emotions came coming back and the only thing that she could hold onto was that cloth which Cedric once owned.

Violette was drinking with lots of people surrounding her, her attention was on the loud blasting music that she didn't notice that somebody has been looking for her. The Order sent out word to look for her and many has been doing that since the reward was higher than your usual capture. However there were specific instructions. Like, they couldn't kidnap or harm her, if they see her they should tell the order first and no one else. The man who spotted Violette snickered and apparated to the Grimaulds to give them the information.

The Black has spent countless of hours on one stool while she couldn't keep her alcohol down. Her hotel room was just one floor up so she didn't have to worry about that when she came up. She even almost stumbled when she got inside the room but nonetheless got herself situated on the cloud couch in front of a fireplace.

"Downtown? What is she doing in the middle of London?" Sirius questioned while he scurried away the snatcher who found his daughter away.

"That does not matter. We should go to her before she disappears again." Lily said and everyone else agreed.

"Violette is stubborn so she would want to see her mother above everyone else. Scarlet you go with Remus so she won't run away." Moody said, the parents relieved that they have found her. "Sirius can go too if you think it will make her come back home."

Multiple times, they almost caught her but she already left before they could even get closer. This was the first lead they have in weeks and the order made sure that they will not let the girl slip away from their grasp again.

"You two go already. I'll inform the kids." Molly said standing up to go upstairs. She hasn't met Violette but she could tell that they would make great friends.

Once she opened the door to go upstairs, Harry was sitting there all along and eavesdropped. He stood up when he saw Mrs. Weasley.

"They've found her, haven't they?" He asked and Molly nodded. Behind her, Many of the order looked to see who it was. "That's brilliant news." He smiled.

"Call your friends, Harry. We need to speak of what is to happen when Violette comes back."

Violette heard ruckus outside her door that made her stand up. Despite the horrible headache she has, her hand found it's way to her wand and waited until the door opened. She didn't know whether if this was her family or an enemy.

The doorknob got unlocked thanks to Remus who would rather spell it open than to kick the door down. Only him and Scarlet came since Sirius was too afraid that he'll be the one that makes the girl run away and will be lost forever.

"Violette?" Scarlet called and saw her daughter by the living room, her wand out which she immediately dropped.

"Oh hey. I thought it was an intruder." Violette said like it didn't matter it she saw her mom. She threw her wand on the couch and her eyes landed on Remus. "I am really sorry about the curse I casted on you Uncle Rem. I'm sure you felt better the next hour."

Remus chuckled, "I woke up 3 days later."

"Oh. I guess I made a mistake." Violette shrugged.

Scarlet came up to her daughter and hugged her like she's never been before. "You have been gone for 2 whole months and didn't even hug your mother?" She said and studied every inch of Violette's face.

"Mom, I am drunk so I probably won't remember this."

"You are what?! Violette Black—" Scarlet started but Remus interrupted.

"—I hate to interrupt your lovely reunion, But we are not safe here. We must go back with the others." He spoke walking to their direction and picking up the Black's wand and gave it to her. "We should apparate."

"I suppose there is no running away anymore?" Violette sighed and Scarlet held her arm so they can go.

"It's not safe here, Violette. You knew that." Remus said and they were gone already, they arrived in front of the 12 Grimaulds.

Violette felt sick and her eyesight got blurry.

"Violette? Are you— Okay." Scarlet shockingly spoke but the girl already passed out but not before Remus caught her before she hits the ground.

"Let's get her inside to rest." Remus spoke and carried the light girl. She was thinner than normal. They both walked towards the entrance and there were many people waiting.

"What happened?" Sirius asked coming close to them. He looked at her daughter and is so much worried that made his heart drop to his stomach.

"She had too much to drink. I'll take her to the girl's room." Remus explained and walked past his bestfriend to went upstairs.

Scarlet sighed and held Sirius' arm. "You can talk to her tomorrow. She'll be fine." Sirius nodded watching their daughter get carried away to safety.

Remus laid her on the bed as gently as he could and backed away for Hermione to go to her aid. "She's had too much to drink when we arrived. I hope you can help her back to her feet by tomorrow, Ms. Granger."

Hermione nodded, "Thank you professor." He nods and left the room quietly, not disturbing another sleeping Weasley by the other bed across from the two.

"You're back..." Hermione whispered while she caressed Violette's cold yet warm cheek. She noticed many changed with her especially that she's lost weight and dyed her hair strands to blonde.

She sat down besides her and slowly lifted the blanket over Violette's body. She embraced her hand, feeling her presence ovewhelm her with joy even if she is not awake.

But what surprises her was that she is not sober when she passed out. She could smell the alcohol off her clothes and Remus told her of what happened as well. Hermione will have a long time tomorrow to talk to her but now, she was tired.

Out of instinct, she brought up Violette's hand and planted a small kiss on the back of her hand. She smiled and stood up going back to her bed to sleep.

𝗖𝗵𝗮𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘆𝗼𝘂 ; Hermione Granger ✔︎Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя