Chapter 31

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Narrator's point of view

After weeks of going in and out of the room of requirement, teaching many to learn new things to defend themselves, they were starting to get caught. A decree has been put up that all students must be held for questioning on suspected illicit activities. Everyone was nervous on getting in Umbridge's office, her questioning them with whatever she was up to.

Violette stopped getting in trouble so they would lessen her attention on getting caught. Everytime that the high inquisitor would get into her nerves, she used all her strength not to talk back and sometimes it worked. One day, Umbridge had mentioned Cedric's name and how about that he's death was an 'accident'. It got her so mad that she threw over a table in the middle of class and got detention for a week.

A particular girl was not pleased with her and was waiting right now in the room of requirement to kill time and wait for her to come back from detention. Hermione didn't even had the chance to yap her mouth off to Violette because the girl already left before they could talk privately.

Again, Violette sat by a chair besides another student from the Slytherin house while they drew lines. She wrote 'I must not disobey my teachers' Over and over again. She didn't even feel it pricking in her skim because her mind goes to the Christmas break and excitement rushed her veins, even if it's still weeks away.

She could hear the footsteps circling her and another student besides her. She rolled her eyes and kept writing the same sentence over and over again until Umbridge let them go but without mocking them first. Violette picked her bag up and walked slowly to her way to the come and go room. She got stopped when somebody called her name and she turned around to see Freya heading the same direction.

"Hey, heading there as well?" She asked, dropping her hand to her side so that no one would see her fresh cuts and the blood that was coming out her wounds.

"Yeah actually. Had to get away from Professor Snape's detention early and he actually let me." Freya walked besides the Black who chuckled and nodded. The two looked around before rounding a corner and their surroundings were deserted.

"I had one with Professor Umbridge. Couldn't be worse with yours." Violette sighed and pulled the strap of her bag while they wait until the doors reveal itself to them.

"I've never had detention with her. Is it that bad?" The door started to magically appear and open in front of them. Violette looked back before going inside to meet many students already started hours ago.

"Trust me, you don't want to find out. I'll head to my friends." Violette said and smiled at her before heading her way to Hermione, talking with Harry privately in a corner.

She smiled at Hermione and Harry who welcomed her back. "Are you okay?" The Potter asked.

"Yeah just more open wounds." Violette sighed and dropped her bag to the side. While the three talked, the girl who just got back from detention didn't notice that her hand was dripping droplets of blood.

Only one saw this and it's Luna who walked towards them to tell her. "You're bleeding." she said normally that made some people dart their eyes to them.

Violette frowned and checked her hand and
saw a small drops of blood by the floor. She cleared her throat and held her sore hand to stop it.

Hermione grew into a fit of worry and grasped her wrist in an instinct and pulled the sleeve up. "Why does it look worse? Harry?" She asked and showed the boy who was fuming in rage and in worry. Her hand's scars looked bad than before and probably old wounds opened up when she draw lines again.

"Can you stop— you're drawing attention." Violette spoke and brought back her hand, grabbing a cloth from her pocket and putting pressure. She looked around and caught many eyes and they looked away when she did.

"You need to get that checked with Madame Pompfrey." Harry said and crossed his arms.

"I can't just walk in there without explaining on why my hand is bleeding. It'll stop eventually." Stubbornly, she disagreed which only made the two friends sigh in frustration.

"And risk infection? No, you're not. I'll take her and make up an excuse." Hermione said finally and picked up her bag and so did Violette who huffed, having no choice in the matter. "We'll see you tomorrow, Harry."

The boy nodded and turned to his cousin, "Get that check out, Vi. Seriously." He warned.

"Yes I will. Just don't tell my parents." She sighed and walked alongside with Hermione, not her choice to.

"Why was she bleeding?" Ron asked loudly because he was in the other side of the room. Luckily, the two already left the room and Harry sighed when everyone's attention was on him.

"Just, keep practicing everyone."

"You shouldn't abandon your well-being. What if you get confined in the hospital wing?" Hermione whispered harshly while she held the girl's wrist to make sure that it won't be hurting anymore.

"I am fine. It's just blood, Hermione." The Black said but she couldn't hide the shakiness in her voice while they walk, her hand experiencing an itch of pain.

"You can't fool me." She said seriously and they got closer to the hospital wing.

The sun was getting ready to set and the sky is orange giving them a view of it by the windows. Once they reached the hospital wing, Madame Pompfrey got them sorted into one of the many beds and asked what happened.

Hermione made up an excuse about tripping on a small cliff in the forbidden forest and landing on her hand badly which seemed to convince the woman. She gave Violette something about the pain and excused herself to leave for an elixir.

"Are you okay?" Hermione sighed while she sat down on the chair, just besides the girl who was on the bed, looking at her with admiration.

"I'll live, you know. It's not like I haven't done this millions of times." She chuckled, trying to keep up with their calm atmosphere. Which did not faze Hermione.

"Violette you can't keep letting her win. If you see your parents on the holidays, there is no doubt that they will see your hand." Gently, she drew a line on Violette's hand that was not injured. "So please, for me, stop getting in trouble."

"Will you lay down with me later tonight? I'll take it into consideration if you do." She slightly joked which earned a chuckle and nod.

"We don't sleep at night without each other so you don't have a choice. You're already stuck with me." Hermione leaned in to kiss her cheek gently, her heart fluttering when she sat back down.

Violette smiled and interwined her hands with hers firmly. "Why are you such a flirt." She whined wanting to kiss her but can't since they might be caught. Hermione hushed her when they heard footsteps coming close to them, their hands letting go.

Madame Pompfrey walked inside, oblivious of their flustered faces and just gave the elixir to Violette who thanked her. The Matron warned her to be careful next time and that they can leave in a few minutes when the medication starts to kick in. She told Hermione to not let Violette move around or carry heavy things with her injured hand and gave them privacy.

For a moment if silence, the two sat there still and one was admiring the other. It was obvious that Violette was falling deeply for the other seeing as her eyes would dilate against the light when she stared at Hermione. The only problem was, she didn't know if the other girl felt the same way or if what they have is just a phase.

𝗖𝗵𝗮𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘆𝗼𝘂 ; Hermione Granger ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now