Smile :7 (I can't title things qWq)

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Wow hey I still exist-
A sorta request, since I went hey you're my friend I wanna write you a story-
Of the lovely and awesome DatGerman who I love deeply and I'm happy I made this cause you're my friend
I love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Sorry if this is rushed I didn't want you to wait too long qWq
I hope you like it óWò and it makes you feel better ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Ah yes, Wörk.

Probably the 3rd most important thing to him, after dogs and Russland.

Russia, who was currently 'helping' one of his siblings while he was waiting for Germany to get done with his wörk
He stood waiting after he turned in his wörk, and gave a small smile

Poland stood leaned against the wall next to him, waiting for one of his friends.
Germany turned to him and smiled, accidentally showing his teeth
Poland gave him a weird look and grimaced, then turned away.

His smile faltered and he covered his mouth with his hand.
He blushed deeply before turning in the direction of the door, "I-I have to go-", and out the door he went.

Russia watched his boyfriend run out the door with a questing look, the smaller country wasn't one to leave the building even if he was done with his work, so he followed after him.

Germany rounded a corner of a wall, he was covering his mouth with his hand, he never enjoyed running out but he was upset and embarrassed.He rubbed his cheeks to get rid of the deep blush. He did not like his smile, nobody liked his smile.
He slid down against the wall, it'd been like this for a while hadn't it?

The young German boy jumped and played around, he could see some people around him but he didn't pay any mind to them.
He giggled as he watched a frog jump towards the water, and he sat on his knees to the side of it's path and watched it jump into the water
He laughed again and gave a toothy smile
Apparently one of the people around him saw him smile, and yelled.

"He has the Nazi's smile!!"
Germany looked at them, what? More people began to talk about his smile, he closed his mouth.
"If that's the same as his, who knows what else is!"
He was suddenly pushed over and fell into the shallow water,"Scary, disgusting smile", and the people ran off.

He sat in the water silently hugging himself and pushing up his glasses as he teared up, he wasn't like his dad!
One of the Allies, who had come to get him, ran towards the water to ask if he was ok, which he just nodded as he was lifted out of the water.
He gripped his carrier's shirt as he was carried back home, he wasn't like his father!

He ran his thumbs over his teeth, did people really only ever see his dad when they saw him?
He took his hands out of his mouth and sighed,he took out his phone and looked at the camera screen, then used his hands to force a big smile.

He jumped and removed his hands when he heard the door to the building slam shut.
He looked up as Russia rounded the corner to where he was, "Германия, there you are!"

"Are you ok?" Germany gave a small nod and Russia sat down next to him
He smiled at him, "Good", He sighed and leaned back. Germany messed with his hands
Russia suddenly sat forwards like he remembered something.

"Oh here's some chocolate, that I may or may not have stolen from another countries desk-"
Germany giggled but used his hand to cover his mouth, which struck Russia as odd, but Germany gently grabbed it from him.

Germany took a small bite, trying to cover his mouth, especially his teeth, with his other hand, and moved it when he closed his mouth
"Ger, you can tell me what's wrong"

Germany glanced to the side and paused chewing, should be really tell him? He didn't know.

"You can continue eating, can you also tell me why you ran off"
Germany continued eating the chocolate but tears welled up in his eyes as he did so.
Russia just rubbed a hand on his back as the tears began to spill from his eyes and he sobbed.
Russia wrapped him up in his arms and pulled him closer, "Germ,мальчик(Baby boy), you have to tell me what's wrong, I have an idea but I need to make sure."

"M-My smile", he sobbed out, Russia rubbed his back, "what about it, ?"
Germany wiped his eyes,
"Whenever people see it, it reminds them of him! Everyone thinks I'm like him!"

"Well I know you're not," he cupped Germany's face in his hands, "I know how hard you try, to show you're not like him"

Germany pulled away and looked forwards;
"It's no use if people still think of him when they see me, especially my teeth." He touches his mouth gently, "...maybe I should just get them fixed..."

"NO!" Germany flinched, and Russia muttered a quick sorry before holding onto Germany's face again, "you don't need to fix your smile, there's nothing wrong with it."

Germany looked away from him, "w-well it's scary and I-it's ugly and people don't like it.."

"Well your smile is beautiful to me."

Germany blushed and stared at Russia before looking down, "no, you're just being nice-"
Russia laughed and kissed his nose, "Noooooooo, I think it's beautiful and adorable~"

Germany lightly shoved his shoulder and blushed, "oh shut up-", Russia grabbed his wrist and kissed his palm.

Germany giggled and beamed, and tried to cover it with his hand, but Russia smiled as well and lightly grabbed his wrists and pulled them away, "come on let me see it," Germany continued to snicker and giggle, "there it is!"
Russia gently kissed all over Germany's face which made him giggle more

With Germany's arms being held it caused part of his shirt to come up, Russia eyed the area with a smirk. Germany looked at him in confusion before following his gaze then he realized,
"Russland nO-"
Russia poked the exposed skin which caused Germany to squeak before Russia dove at him and began to speraticly tickle his sides

Germany busted out in laughter and tried to gently shove Russia away, "RuSsIa StOoOpP-"
Russia kissed the corners of Germany's mouth as he continued to laugh and smile

Germany panted as Russia hugged him and he hugged back, "It's ok to not like your smile, just know that I love it and you can smile all you like around me"

Germany smiled and tried to cover his face with his hands before Russia grabbed them again, "If you're gonna hide, hide in me", he leaned Germany's face into his shoulders and hugged him tightly

Germany hugged him,
"Thank you, Ich liebe dich(I love you)

Russia smiled and kissed his cheek,
"You're welcome, я тоже тебя люблю(I love you too)
The two countries continued to hug each other till they had to go in, where Russia may or may not have threatened anyone and anything that every looks at Germany's smile weirdly again.

I hoped you liked that óWò I tried qWq
School and şάȡήέşş~ take away motivation-
I got a font app and I am POWERFUL-
Remember DatGerman  I love yooooooou ❤️❤️❤️
This isn't the best but I hope you liked this❤️

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