Oh mein gött, zees head es full of Deuchenkinder!

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Omg thanksgiving special⁉️
Happy thanksgiving to my fellow Americans :0
Title inspired by the no little German boy memes because I think they're hilarious and a reference to the fact I never stop thinking about Germany
DatGerman I'm sorry in advance for your german brain reading the title
Ironic since Germany is an adult in this oneshot-
But eh he acts kinda like a kid because he is babey and adorable dangit
Anyway this is a oneshot of Germany just kinda being adorable with his dads
Before anyone asks, yes this is still a Rusger book I'm posting a Rusger oneshot in a day or two if I can finish it and I will try
Also two things you need to know about this story 1. stracciatella is vanilla icecream with chocolate bits and Germany eats it with strawberries because his dads each each one of those three flavors and I wanted them to match and 2. Nowadays people wear rain boots alone but people used to just slip them over their shoes so we're gonna pretend you can still do that
Also warning this is very badly written and they smiled and laugh a lot because they're HAPPY-
Anyway enjoy :0 DatGerman I'm thankful you're my friend :333



*Save dog photo to send Germany later*

America leaned against the wall, scrolling through his phone as he waited for Germany to get out of his meeting. As he heard a door open, followed by excited running, he stood up straighter and put his phone away right as Germany got to him. The German was already beaming when he got to his dad and pointed at his sweater, "Dad! Dad! Look! I got a star sticker!!", just as he said, there on his sweater was a tiny gold star.

America smiled widely and adjusted his glasses as he leaned down to look at it, "Oooooh! Good job, kiddo! What'd you get it for?", Germany smiled even bigger as his eyes sparkled, "NATO said I was doing really good and gave me it!", he giggled as America wrapped his arms around him. He pulled Germany close to him and squeezed him, "Awesome, bud! You ready to go get icecream?", Germany bounced excitedly and nodded quickly at the idea of ice cream.

America hugged him close again, "Good. Biscuit and Froggy are going to meet us there", America chuckled at Germany's increased excited bouncing at being able to see the other two. America grabbed his own jacket off the coat rack before grabbing the smaller yellow raincoat and frog themed rain boots next to. He quickly put his on while handing the other to Germany. The young country took both things from him and sat on the ground so he could slip the frog rain boots on over his shoes.

He looked up at his dad as he started slipping the boats on, "Are we walking there?", America smiled down at him as he got his other boot on, "Yup!", Germany smiled back and stood up to zip his coat up. He tried a few times to zip the jacket up with difficulty before awkwardly looking back towards America, "Dad...can you help me..?", the tall country smiled and made his way over to him.

He held back a laugh at Germany's small pout about his jacket, "Course, bud.", he crouched down in front of his son, gently grabbing both sides of the jacket before zipping it up carefully. America stood up and grabbed Germany, nuzzling against the smaller country's cheek, "Oh you're so cute! You ready?", he kissed him on the head before he released him from his hold. Germany nodded quickly, "Mhm!", America grabbed an umbrella in one hand and Germany's hand in the other, leading them both outside before opening his umbrella and leading them on their way. They both walked with small conversation about random topics as the rain fell onto their umbrella.

America smiled as he watched Germany eye all the puddles they walked past. He paused their walking to slip Germany's hood up over his head, "Go ahead, buddy", Germany smiled widely at his dad as he ran out from under he umbrella and jumped into a puddle. The two continued on their way, Germany jumping in puddles as they went which caused America's heart to warm at his childlike behavior.

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